Day changed to 2025-02-01
[22:23] nekoluce: hi
Day changed to 2025-02-02
[02:03] jfw: hiya nekoluce
[02:07] jfw: you mentioned to me seeing a heist movie... over here we just finished a 4-parter, generically titled "This Is A Robbery", on a case unsolved since 1991 of half a billion USD in fine art grabbed from a Boston museum
[13:33] nekoluce_: interesting
[16:52] nekoluce_: so as far as i havee seen it im in episode two it was complicated and well planned but at the same time they had many privilaged ocations such as the guard being high and new years eve plus knowing that the police wassnt going to come besides they toook the tape that record them and set off all the alarms 200 million on art it was a big robbery
[17:23] jfw: nekoluce: yes, it seemed they must have had at least some inside information and the guard's story did not make complete sense, e.g. why break the "nobody gets in" protocol and why would he "routinely" open the back door, which appeared to have been used as a signal. still, there wasn't anything solid to pin it on him and it could have been someone else
[17:24] jfw: plus I think there were other reasons not to suspect him but forget what
[17:26] jfw: and it was the night of St. Patrick's Day; there's a big Irish population in Boston so possibly even more elsewhere-revelry than NYE
[17:29] jfw: the other funny but probably typical part is the law enforcement agencies stepping on each others' toes, witholding important information, mishandling evidence etc.
[17:31] nekoluce: indeed
[17:31] nekoluce: btw yesterday we went to the chinese new years event
[17:31] nekoluce: got you a couple of gift
[17:31] nekoluce: gifts
[17:31] nekoluce: one is from my mom
[17:32] jfw: I hope there are red socks
[17:32] nekoluce: aw surprise
[17:32] nekoluce: there were selling clothes but for women xD not for men
[17:32] jfw: (for the log: because it's the year of the serpent which is my birth year, which makes it unlucky for me so wearing red undergarments is supposed to protect me)
[17:33] jfw: I will await the surprise then
[17:34] nekoluce: hehe
[17:34] nekoluce: it something that you like and something that is useful and something that is tasty x3
[17:35] nekoluce: i was thinking on buying you a necklace but i dont feel is your vibe
[17:36] nekoluce: felt
[17:36] nekoluce: was
[17:36] jfw: "didn't feel it was your vibe"
[17:37] nekoluce: yep
[17:37] jfw: and yeah, probably so.
[17:37] nekoluce: it was a little to big
[17:38] jfw: I hope you didn't spend *too* much on me, since I recall you have some things to save for... hopefully soon you'll have more coming in though
[17:39] nekoluce: i spend the necessary ewe
[17:39] nekoluce: sascha already put me some work to do
[17:39] nekoluce: i also like shopping for you e3e
[17:40] nekoluce: i kind of makes me feel like you are here
[17:40] jfw: then I won't begrudge you the enjoyment
[17:40] jfw: today I need to do some shopping for myself - ski stuff
[17:41] jfw: probably I will only get a one-day trip, tomorrow
[17:41] nekoluce: take pictures TToTT
[17:41] nekoluce: have you mr jacob fredereick welsh took at least one picture ?
[17:42] jfw: lol
[17:42] jfw: yes I have
[17:42] nekoluce: if not pledge guilty
[17:42] nekoluce: xD
[17:42] jfw: innocent, yer honor
[17:43] nekoluce: the beans and the other plants are sprouting well they at least some inches tall
[17:45] jfw: I must have forgot there were beans in there too
[17:45] nekoluce: i plant them myself ewe
[17:45] nekoluce: peppers are growing strong
[17:47] jfw: I'm glad
[17:47] jfw: btw, in case you somehow find yourself without enough to do, there was still to give a look
[17:47] sourcerer: 2025-01-06 21:54:33 (#jwrd) jfw: since you mentioned interest in helping with something related to the IRC bouncer setup, I think a good step would be to firm up your understanding, first of what it is and then what the project might involve
[17:47] nekoluce: yes i still need to review more for it
[17:48] nekoluce: but thats a good point
[17:48] nekoluce: i was doing some courses on html and css on free code camp
[17:49] nekoluce: can i send you an email if i fins more advances for it ?
[17:49] nekoluce: find
[17:49] jfw: advances? for what?
[17:49] nekoluce: for the research on the rebouncer
[17:50] nekoluce: i found some on wikipedia
[17:50] nekoluce: to see if im on the right track
[17:50] jfw: sure, you can send me what you've got
[17:50] jfw: a paste might work too
[17:50] nekoluce: can you sned me the link of the paste ?
[17:50] jfw:
[17:51] nekoluce: saving it for later
[17:52] nekoluce: how was your day yesterday ?
[17:52] nekoluce: and today
[17:54] jfw: added that link to the topic now.
[17:55] jfw: yesterday was ok but a bit slow, lost a bunch of time wrestling with Windows and related stuff for the new laptop but it seems to be in good shape now.
[17:56] nekoluce: using linux?
[17:56] jfw: I'll probably still put linux on it but wanted to have a recovery option in case it didn't work out
[17:57] jfw: since I don't have any more working windows machines at all otherwise now
[17:57] nekoluce: what if you make a backup?
[17:57] nekoluce: in a usbdrive
[17:57] jfw: and dorion reported some significant problems with zoom on linux
[17:57] nekoluce: so you ll let in in windows ?
[17:58] jfw: yeah the vendor (Lenovo) had a process to create a recovery usb drive which I completed, it was just a pain.
[17:58] nekoluce: aw sorry
[21:17] jfw: dorion: did you perchance get your node connected again? mine here just got stuck at 881981 for no apparent reason (eg still claims to have peer connections)
[21:18] jfw: when I restart it all the version messages I get are at even older blocks
[21:18] jfw: three peers at 881808 for instance
[21:19] jfw: ours in germany was one such, it seems to have started catching up after I restarted here
[21:20] jfw: ...and now it's overtaken and feeding me back
[21:25] jfw: 7.2 hours without blocks here though, pre-intervention
[21:26] jfw: 882032 is the best seen so far
[21:37] jfw: after 3 more manual restarts I'm up to that same 882032. like even between my own two nodes the download kept running aground.
[22:22] jfw: still on that same block and checked that I'm already 'permissive=1' so not rejecting PRB nodes offhand.
Day changed to 2025-02-03
[03:11] jfw: !E view-height
[03:11] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 881985
[03:11] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 752
[03:11] jfw: !e view-height
[03:12] btcexplorer: block_height: 882032
[03:12] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 369
[03:13] jfw: ok it ain't just me. and the press is currently talking about trump tarriffs, no hint of nuclear blasts.
[03:13] jfw: bitcoin talkers are talking about a minor usd rally.
[03:15] jfw: reports 882072 latest
[03:21] jfw: if anyone wants me to look into this urgently, plz to call/write/chat by 12 UTC as otherwise I have AFK plans all day tomorrow.
[03:28] jfw: the '9 TRB Nodes Active in the Last 48 Hours' on are all similarly stuck at 882032 or the late 881s (the list doesn't include mine for some reason, maybe the branding changed sufficiently)
[04:01] jfw: !e view-height
[04:01] btcexplorer: block_height: 882038
[04:01] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 323
[04:01] jfw: !E view-height
[04:01] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 882027
[04:01] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 489
[04:01] jfw: restarted my listening node in germany, with permissive mode for good measure, and now they all unwedge in tandem.
[04:01] jfw: in 2025, you do not simply connect to miners... miners will connect to you!!
[04:05] jfw: from my local one (outbound connections only) I did notice that it continued connecting to mostly version=99999 nodes even with permissive and removing my addnodes list. probably the peer selection logic needs a good hard look along with the rest of the networking, especially in light of a 'sparse' network where most addresses reported are not useful peers
[04:07] jfw: !e view-height
[04:07] btcexplorer: block_height: 882050
[04:07] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 191
[04:09] jfw: I'm up to 882076 which agrees with latest.
[19:33] dorion: -- mine was down for a couple of days as a consequence of a router issue that I just got to solving this morning. node sync'd back up okay following that.
[19:33] sourcerer: 2025-02-02 21:17:36 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: did you perchance get your node connected again? mine here just got stuck at 881981 for no apparent reason (eg still claims to have peer connections)
[20:27] nekoluce: I havent had any issues with the chat so far
[20:51] dorion: nekoluce, ok, we're talking about bitcoin nodes.
[20:56] nekoluce: sorry for the misunderstood rob
[21:47] dorion: nekoluce, no sweat. I generally get the sense that you want to help, which is welcomed and appreciated. you'll be more effective though if you simply slow down, breathe, read thoroughly what's being discussed and take your time replying.
[21:48] nekoluce: okay thank you rob
Day changed to 2025-02-04
[13:53] cruciform: s'up, guys?
[13:58] nekoluce: whats up cruciform :D
[13:59] cruciform: ello; don't think we've met?
[14:00] cruciform: I know @jfw and @dorion from the Young Hands days + their training course
[14:25] nekoluce: my name is Luz nice to meet you
[14:25] nekoluce: I also know jacob and robison
[14:31] dorion: hey cruciform, welcome back.
[14:33] cruciform: @nekoluce , glad to meet ya!
[14:34] cruciform: oh hey, dorion - hope your weekend went well; I've just got back to the UK from Belgium (so obviously looking to leave again!)
[14:35] cruciform: I've gotta dash in a few mins, but lmk when's good to come see you guys/you're coming to the Old World
[14:37] nekoluce: thank you cruciform !
[19:42] jfw: ahoy cruciform
[19:43] jfw: I'll be back in Panama by Sunday, and you'd be welcome to stay at my guest bedroom for a little while at least
[21:50] xissburg: does anybody have contacts doing p2p cash trades in Panama?
[22:47] dorion: xissburg, I do.
[22:57] xissburg: dorion: I'm looking to sell btc/usdt for cash, around $10k
Day changed to 2025-02-05
[19:44] xissburg: nekoluce_: Hi, I'm still looking
[19:54] jfw: hi xissburg, did you not hear more from dorion?
[19:56] jfw: I may be able to help with it too
[19:57] xissburg: jfw: no, not yet
[20:09] jfw: went to PM; dorion might still have more when he returns.
[20:13] jfw: and it sounds like nekoluce_ has one too.
Day changed to 2025-02-06
[18:52] dorion: xissburg, are you willing to pay a discount or demanding spot ?
[22:23] nekoluce: cruci are you coming this week ?
[22:23] nekoluce: cruci are you coming this week ?
[22:23] cruciform: yo
[22:24] cruciform: no - it won't be for at least a month; gotta sort out a buncha shit here, first
[22:24] nekoluce: oh okay :c
[22:24] cruciform: why d'ya ask?
[22:24] cruciform: (didn)
[22:24] nekoluce: just wanted to greet you :D
[22:24] cruciform: 't know you're in CA?
[22:24] cruciform: *CR
[22:25] cruciform: aha!
[22:25] nekoluce: nope im in panama :D
[22:25] cruciform: lol, god - been a long day
[22:25] cruciform: Panama is indeed the place I'm looking to visit!
[22:25] cruciform: @jfw thanks for the offer; I'll prob grab a hotel somwhere
[22:25] nekoluce: here the weather is tropical :D
[22:25] cruciform: @nekoluce, got a blog or something?
[22:28] nekoluce: but i write in paragra[h and sometimes medeium is that what you mean :)
[22:29] cruciform: medium, as in the blogging platform?
[22:29] cruciform: iirc that was the one before substack, or something
[22:29] nekoluce: paragraph is a crypto space for bloogs and meddium well is more well known
[22:29] nekoluce: i also have substack
[22:29] cruciform: god, sounds _awful_
[22:30] nekoluce: just dont use it much only to read
[22:30] cruciform: "crypto space" - I've just had dinner!
[22:30] cruciform: mmmyea? who's worth reading over there?
[22:30] nekoluce: depends on your tastes
[22:31] nekoluce: theres a lot of variety
[22:31] cruciform: let's say I like bitcoin-solipsism
[22:31] nekoluce: there are topics related to bitcoin and crypto as well
[22:31] nekoluce: not sure if that one is related
[22:32] cruciform: heh, @jfw's not got you on trilema?
[22:32] nekoluce: i love the trilema
[22:32] cruciform: )
[22:32] nekoluce: it has a variety of interesting topics
[22:33] cruciform: anything caught your fancy rencently? I confess it's been a while on my end
[22:33] nekoluce: i like text also from ossasepia
[22:33] nekoluce: the last time we saw some from cookie dough making
[22:34] cruciform: give us this day our daily cookies...
[22:34] nekoluce: they are even more interesting articles
[22:35] cruciform: more interesting than cookies?!
[22:35] nekoluce: like one i saw about bsdm
[22:35] cruciform: lol
[22:35] cruciform: gonna start using that
[22:35] nekoluce: see
Day changed to 2025-02-07
[04:27] jfw: what, Berkeley Software Distribution and Masochism is on Ossasepia??
[04:30] jfw: cruciform: the hotels will be glad to have you too, there's more than enough of them
[04:38] jfw: and yeah, nekoluce was swimming around the ethereum and similar waters but seems like she's beginning to find fresher ones. she's my girl since december and soon to be apprentice
[13:23] nekoluce: yes you are my jman darling ;) you are so sweet !
[20:26] jfw: j-man, that's one I haven't heard since maybe childhood
[20:27] nekoluce: I thought it was kind of cool x)
Day changed to 2025-02-08
[00:11] jfw: Got in a lovely outdoor ice skating session with backdrop of sunset on the river and perfect (cold) weather. I'm not very practiced and it had been a while, but what I may have lacked in grace I made up for in grit.
[00:12] jfw: See you soon, Panama.
Day changed to 2025-02-10
[12:38] lru: does anyone here dabble in non-BTC coins? if so, what wallet software do you use for them? I get the impression that there is almost a standard format for wallet data, but that talking to each different network may be slightly different
Day changed to 2025-02-11
[02:46] jfw: lru: I can't really advise you any better than you'd find for yourself on basic searches, but maybe narrow it down by clarifying your requirements - what hardware/OS/environment to run in for instance and what tradeoffs you can accept
[02:52] jfw: to my eye most of the "wallets" out there for whatever coin are rather dirty and it's not clear how they're all that different from just using exchange accounts, despite the well-meaning advice of "not your keys, not your coins".
[16:59] lru: jfw: thank you for your advice... I'm really just beginning to climb the learning curve of "web3" and "defi" networks, which appear to be a number of competing layers on top of other blockchains
[17:01] lru: for bitcoin, I could install something like electrum or bitcoin itself... but facing a world of hundreds, maybe thousands of potential different coins, I don't want to manage thousands of different wallet softwares... now,maybe I'm still too new, and these "hundreds" boil down into real "tens" or maybe just 2 or 3 different networks... maybe, I'm still learning
[17:04] lru: as I'm learning about "defi" networks, it looks to me like they are using smart contracts on programmable blockchains to achieve the possibility of trading "safely" between unknown people... in the bitcoin world, there is no smart contract, so you use the WoT or trade in person
[17:05] lru: and as these defi networks gets busier and busier, they have to scale to layer 2 blockchains on top of the main ones, just to keep up
[17:08] lru: so on the one hand, it looks interesting, and there's definitely the possibility of making money by trading on these networks... on the other hand, a more learned person than me may also discount it all as mess just waiting to implode on itself... and I'm trying to figure out which is which
[17:13] lru: without smart contracts, bitcoin is left relying on WoT, in-person, or centralized exchanges... the defi folks appear to be trying to create a general exchange technology that makes creating a new market as simple as creating a new bitcoin address, at least from a decentralization perspective... bitcoin is already decentralized, but only at the single transaction level
[19:09] lru: "In 2021, half of cryptocurrency crime was related to DeFi. This rise has been attributed to a combination of developer incompetence and non-existent or poorly enforced regulations." (heh)
[20:19] jfw: lru: without bot-enforced contracts there is counterparty risk from your trading partners; with them there is counterparty risk from the bots (code that nobody's reading) and from those pulling the strings of the pseudo-decentralized networks. and for that, all you really get is the ability to trade among those same types of digital assets. for anything outside the system like fiat, you're back to
[20:19] jfw: trusted third party custodians ("tether") or signal sources
[20:19] jfw: For added confusion, there are those claiming to do the same stuff "with bitcoin" too
[20:23] jfw: There are certainly those who've made money trading it, perhaps there's even alpha in it for those sharp enough (i.e. repeatable results, because even a purely random lottery will select its winners who can gladly boast of their number-picking skills); from what I've gathered it's pretty labor-intensive because opportunities tend to be short-lived, though perhaps on the upside they can be large.
[20:25] jfw: the "crime" quote doesn't seem meaningful without knowing how they define crime
[20:25] jfw: since in socialist paradise, having money is a crime
[22:04] lru: jfw: is it really "code that nobody's reading"? I was hoping that I'd be able to at least read the sources of the Decentralized Apps I'd be relying on... for example, if I tried to trade on uniswap, their server is open source, so I was expecting to be able to prove it is verifying everything I expected it to, just like I could with bitcoin
[22:05] lru: the complexity is a couple orders of magnitude higher tho, since uniswap "runs" on a supposedly turing complete ethereum blockchain
[22:06] lru: head-swimmingly complex, most likely
[22:08] lru: thanks for the feedback!
[22:41] jfw: well, mind the "could" versus "did".
[22:47] jfw: if you do take the time to study the stuff, I'd be curious if you find it worth vouching for or on the contrary worth mining for exploits
[22:54] jfw: the barrier to either endeavor is that the modern style is to prioritize the momentary convenience of the tinkerer at every stage without regard for ease of reading & understanding (since nobody's trying to do that anyway), no gigabyte of weird dependency mess is too much to ask for saving an hour of thinking and ten lines of code
[22:55] jfw:
[22:55] sourcerer: 2022-05-02 19:14:03 (#jwrd) rodolfo: It's OK, let's say I just need the miracle (installing X library from a repository)
Day changed to 2025-02-12
[02:12] nekoluce: hi cruciform
Day changed to 2025-02-15
[17:47] caai: greeting. we meet again
[21:33] lru: we do indeed
Day changed to 2025-02-16
[02:50] jfw: ftr, yesterday morning's outage was due to the host server; unclear exactly what happened, I found it powered up but unresponsive, no console video output and no hints in the saved kernel log on reboot. seems OK for now after a hard reset.
[03:05] jfw: and wb caai!
[16:02] caai: good to be back!
Day changed to 2025-02-17
[11:47] jfw: nekoluce, here's that euloran intro article I mentioned:
[13:26] nekoluce: thank you jfw :)
[13:27] nekoluce: start my day by reading ossasepia
[14:35] nekoluce: for the rotating banner
Day changed to 2025-02-19
[19:04] jfw: - notbad
[19:04] jfw: and what a change from the constant lying
Day changed to 2025-02-26
[20:13] dorion: 3
[22:44] jfw: whaack: how's it going up there?
[22:44] jfw: and also wondering what's up with all the nzbtcexplorer reconnects.
Day changed to 2025-02-27
[14:02] nekoluce: hi
[17:39] sstacks: hola everyone
[17:39] nekoluce: hello stacks !
[17:40] nekoluce: how is your day going ?
[17:46] sstacks: Good, getting some things done here and there as we are heading to a retreat during holidays here in Panama
[17:47] sstacks: I just stumble upon my EdgeRouter Lite is not working
[17:47] sstacks: So not running my bitcoind
[17:48] sstacks: ill try replacing power adapter cord
[17:49] sstacks: how's yours going?
[17:59] nekoluce: good doing some chores and working as well
[18:09] jfw: sstacks, do you still have the blue serial cable to view its console output?
[18:09] jfw: or are there no lights at all?
[18:09] jfw: a retreat from the carnavales madness sounds nice, I just got back from a beach trip
[18:13] jfw: though I don't recall the city getting too crazy, people mostly go to the interior right?
[18:34] sstacks: yeah, people tend to go to the interior
[18:34] sstacks: Console light is blinking with sound
[21:45] jfw: sstacks, you could bring the equipment by for me to have a look when you're back
[21:48] sstacks: jfw, ok, will do. Maybe thursday next week.. ill confirm
Day changed to 2025-02-28
[22:14] lru: bitcoin is low... should I sell now? // continuing the earlier joke about when I first bought it
[22:23] nekoluce: hi
Day changed to 2025-02-02
[02:03] jfw: hiya nekoluce
[02:07] jfw: you mentioned to me seeing a heist movie... over here we just finished a 4-parter, generically titled "This Is A Robbery", on a case unsolved since 1991 of half a billion USD in fine art grabbed from a Boston museum
[13:33] nekoluce_: interesting
[16:52] nekoluce_: so as far as i havee seen it im in episode two it was complicated and well planned but at the same time they had many privilaged ocations such as the guard being high and new years eve plus knowing that the police wassnt going to come besides they toook the tape that record them and set off all the alarms 200 million on art it was a big robbery
[17:23] jfw: nekoluce: yes, it seemed they must have had at least some inside information and the guard's story did not make complete sense, e.g. why break the "nobody gets in" protocol and why would he "routinely" open the back door, which appeared to have been used as a signal. still, there wasn't anything solid to pin it on him and it could have been someone else
[17:24] jfw: plus I think there were other reasons not to suspect him but forget what
[17:26] jfw: and it was the night of St. Patrick's Day; there's a big Irish population in Boston so possibly even more elsewhere-revelry than NYE
[17:29] jfw: the other funny but probably typical part is the law enforcement agencies stepping on each others' toes, witholding important information, mishandling evidence etc.
[17:31] nekoluce: indeed
[17:31] nekoluce: btw yesterday we went to the chinese new years event
[17:31] nekoluce: got you a couple of gift
[17:31] nekoluce: gifts
[17:31] nekoluce: one is from my mom
[17:32] jfw: I hope there are red socks
[17:32] nekoluce: aw surprise
[17:32] nekoluce: there were selling clothes but for women xD not for men
[17:32] jfw: (for the log: because it's the year of the serpent which is my birth year, which makes it unlucky for me so wearing red undergarments is supposed to protect me)
[17:33] jfw: I will await the surprise then
[17:34] nekoluce: hehe
[17:34] nekoluce: it something that you like and something that is useful and something that is tasty x3
[17:35] nekoluce: i was thinking on buying you a necklace but i dont feel is your vibe
[17:36] nekoluce: felt
[17:36] nekoluce: was
[17:36] jfw: "didn't feel it was your vibe"
[17:37] nekoluce: yep
[17:37] jfw: and yeah, probably so.
[17:37] nekoluce: it was a little to big
[17:38] jfw: I hope you didn't spend *too* much on me, since I recall you have some things to save for... hopefully soon you'll have more coming in though
[17:39] nekoluce: i spend the necessary ewe
[17:39] nekoluce: sascha already put me some work to do
[17:39] nekoluce: i also like shopping for you e3e
[17:40] nekoluce: i kind of makes me feel like you are here
[17:40] jfw: then I won't begrudge you the enjoyment
[17:40] jfw: today I need to do some shopping for myself - ski stuff
[17:41] jfw: probably I will only get a one-day trip, tomorrow
[17:41] nekoluce: take pictures TToTT
[17:41] nekoluce: have you mr jacob fredereick welsh took at least one picture ?
[17:42] jfw: lol
[17:42] jfw: yes I have
[17:42] nekoluce: if not pledge guilty
[17:42] nekoluce: xD
[17:42] jfw: innocent, yer honor
[17:43] nekoluce: the beans and the other plants are sprouting well they at least some inches tall
[17:45] jfw: I must have forgot there were beans in there too
[17:45] nekoluce: i plant them myself ewe
[17:45] nekoluce: peppers are growing strong
[17:47] jfw: I'm glad
[17:47] jfw: btw, in case you somehow find yourself without enough to do, there was still to give a look
[17:47] sourcerer: 2025-01-06 21:54:33 (#jwrd) jfw: since you mentioned interest in helping with something related to the IRC bouncer setup, I think a good step would be to firm up your understanding, first of what it is and then what the project might involve
[17:47] nekoluce: yes i still need to review more for it
[17:48] nekoluce: but thats a good point
[17:48] nekoluce: i was doing some courses on html and css on free code camp
[17:49] nekoluce: can i send you an email if i fins more advances for it ?
[17:49] nekoluce: find
[17:49] jfw: advances? for what?
[17:49] nekoluce: for the research on the rebouncer
[17:50] nekoluce: i found some on wikipedia
[17:50] nekoluce: to see if im on the right track
[17:50] jfw: sure, you can send me what you've got
[17:50] jfw: a paste might work too
[17:50] nekoluce: can you sned me the link of the paste ?
[17:50] jfw:
[17:51] nekoluce: saving it for later
[17:52] nekoluce: how was your day yesterday ?
[17:52] nekoluce: and today
[17:54] jfw: added that link to the topic now.
[17:55] jfw: yesterday was ok but a bit slow, lost a bunch of time wrestling with Windows and related stuff for the new laptop but it seems to be in good shape now.
[17:56] nekoluce: using linux?
[17:56] jfw: I'll probably still put linux on it but wanted to have a recovery option in case it didn't work out
[17:57] jfw: since I don't have any more working windows machines at all otherwise now
[17:57] nekoluce: what if you make a backup?
[17:57] nekoluce: in a usbdrive
[17:57] jfw: and dorion reported some significant problems with zoom on linux
[17:57] nekoluce: so you ll let in in windows ?
[17:58] jfw: yeah the vendor (Lenovo) had a process to create a recovery usb drive which I completed, it was just a pain.
[17:58] nekoluce: aw sorry
[21:17] jfw: dorion: did you perchance get your node connected again? mine here just got stuck at 881981 for no apparent reason (eg still claims to have peer connections)
[21:18] jfw: when I restart it all the version messages I get are at even older blocks
[21:18] jfw: three peers at 881808 for instance
[21:19] jfw: ours in germany was one such, it seems to have started catching up after I restarted here
[21:20] jfw: ...and now it's overtaken and feeding me back
[21:25] jfw: 7.2 hours without blocks here though, pre-intervention
[21:26] jfw: 882032 is the best seen so far
[21:37] jfw: after 3 more manual restarts I'm up to that same 882032. like even between my own two nodes the download kept running aground.
[22:22] jfw: still on that same block and checked that I'm already 'permissive=1' so not rejecting PRB nodes offhand.
Day changed to 2025-02-03
[03:11] jfw: !E view-height
[03:11] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 881985
[03:11] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 752
[03:11] jfw: !e view-height
[03:12] btcexplorer: block_height: 882032
[03:12] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 369
[03:13] jfw: ok it ain't just me. and the press is currently talking about trump tarriffs, no hint of nuclear blasts.
[03:13] jfw: bitcoin talkers are talking about a minor usd rally.
[03:15] jfw: reports 882072 latest
[03:21] jfw: if anyone wants me to look into this urgently, plz to call/write/chat by 12 UTC as otherwise I have AFK plans all day tomorrow.
[03:28] jfw: the '9 TRB Nodes Active in the Last 48 Hours' on are all similarly stuck at 882032 or the late 881s (the list doesn't include mine for some reason, maybe the branding changed sufficiently)
[04:01] jfw: !e view-height
[04:01] btcexplorer: block_height: 882038
[04:01] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 323
[04:01] jfw: !E view-height
[04:01] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 882027
[04:01] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 489
[04:01] jfw: restarted my listening node in germany, with permissive mode for good measure, and now they all unwedge in tandem.
[04:01] jfw: in 2025, you do not simply connect to miners... miners will connect to you!!
[04:05] jfw: from my local one (outbound connections only) I did notice that it continued connecting to mostly version=99999 nodes even with permissive and removing my addnodes list. probably the peer selection logic needs a good hard look along with the rest of the networking, especially in light of a 'sparse' network where most addresses reported are not useful peers
[04:07] jfw: !e view-height
[04:07] btcexplorer: block_height: 882050
[04:07] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 191
[04:09] jfw: I'm up to 882076 which agrees with latest.
[19:33] dorion: -- mine was down for a couple of days as a consequence of a router issue that I just got to solving this morning. node sync'd back up okay following that.
[19:33] sourcerer: 2025-02-02 21:17:36 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: did you perchance get your node connected again? mine here just got stuck at 881981 for no apparent reason (eg still claims to have peer connections)
[20:27] nekoluce: I havent had any issues with the chat so far
[20:51] dorion: nekoluce, ok, we're talking about bitcoin nodes.
[20:56] nekoluce: sorry for the misunderstood rob
[21:47] dorion: nekoluce, no sweat. I generally get the sense that you want to help, which is welcomed and appreciated. you'll be more effective though if you simply slow down, breathe, read thoroughly what's being discussed and take your time replying.
[21:48] nekoluce: okay thank you rob
Day changed to 2025-02-04
[13:53] cruciform: s'up, guys?
[13:58] nekoluce: whats up cruciform :D
[13:59] cruciform: ello; don't think we've met?
[14:00] cruciform: I know @jfw and @dorion from the Young Hands days + their training course
[14:25] nekoluce: my name is Luz nice to meet you
[14:25] nekoluce: I also know jacob and robison
[14:31] dorion: hey cruciform, welcome back.
[14:33] cruciform: @nekoluce , glad to meet ya!
[14:34] cruciform: oh hey, dorion - hope your weekend went well; I've just got back to the UK from Belgium (so obviously looking to leave again!)
[14:35] cruciform: I've gotta dash in a few mins, but lmk when's good to come see you guys/you're coming to the Old World
[14:37] nekoluce: thank you cruciform !
[19:42] jfw: ahoy cruciform
[19:43] jfw: I'll be back in Panama by Sunday, and you'd be welcome to stay at my guest bedroom for a little while at least
[21:50] xissburg: does anybody have contacts doing p2p cash trades in Panama?
[22:47] dorion: xissburg, I do.
[22:57] xissburg: dorion: I'm looking to sell btc/usdt for cash, around $10k
Day changed to 2025-02-05
[19:44] xissburg: nekoluce_: Hi, I'm still looking
[19:54] jfw: hi xissburg, did you not hear more from dorion?
[19:56] jfw: I may be able to help with it too
[19:57] xissburg: jfw: no, not yet
[20:09] jfw: went to PM; dorion might still have more when he returns.
[20:13] jfw: and it sounds like nekoluce_ has one too.
Day changed to 2025-02-06
[18:52] dorion: xissburg, are you willing to pay a discount or demanding spot ?
[22:23] nekoluce: cruci are you coming this week ?
[22:23] nekoluce: cruci are you coming this week ?
[22:23] cruciform: yo
[22:24] cruciform: no - it won't be for at least a month; gotta sort out a buncha shit here, first
[22:24] nekoluce: oh okay :c
[22:24] cruciform: why d'ya ask?
[22:24] cruciform: (didn)
[22:24] nekoluce: just wanted to greet you :D
[22:24] cruciform: 't know you're in CA?
[22:24] cruciform: *CR
[22:25] cruciform: aha!
[22:25] nekoluce: nope im in panama :D
[22:25] cruciform: lol, god - been a long day
[22:25] cruciform: Panama is indeed the place I'm looking to visit!
[22:25] cruciform: @jfw thanks for the offer; I'll prob grab a hotel somwhere
[22:25] nekoluce: here the weather is tropical :D
[22:25] cruciform: @nekoluce, got a blog or something?
[22:28] nekoluce: but i write in paragra[h and sometimes medeium is that what you mean :)
[22:29] cruciform: medium, as in the blogging platform?
[22:29] cruciform: iirc that was the one before substack, or something
[22:29] nekoluce: paragraph is a crypto space for bloogs and meddium well is more well known
[22:29] nekoluce: i also have substack
[22:29] cruciform: god, sounds _awful_
[22:30] nekoluce: just dont use it much only to read
[22:30] cruciform: "crypto space" - I've just had dinner!
[22:30] cruciform: mmmyea? who's worth reading over there?
[22:30] nekoluce: depends on your tastes
[22:31] nekoluce: theres a lot of variety
[22:31] cruciform: let's say I like bitcoin-solipsism
[22:31] nekoluce: there are topics related to bitcoin and crypto as well
[22:31] nekoluce: not sure if that one is related
[22:32] cruciform: heh, @jfw's not got you on trilema?
[22:32] nekoluce: i love the trilema
[22:32] cruciform: )
[22:32] nekoluce: it has a variety of interesting topics
[22:33] cruciform: anything caught your fancy rencently? I confess it's been a while on my end
[22:33] nekoluce: i like text also from ossasepia
[22:33] nekoluce: the last time we saw some from cookie dough making
[22:34] cruciform: give us this day our daily cookies...
[22:34] nekoluce: they are even more interesting articles
[22:35] cruciform: more interesting than cookies?!
[22:35] nekoluce: like one i saw about bsdm
[22:35] cruciform: lol
[22:35] cruciform: gonna start using that
[22:35] nekoluce: see
Day changed to 2025-02-07
[04:27] jfw: what, Berkeley Software Distribution and Masochism is on Ossasepia??
[04:30] jfw: cruciform: the hotels will be glad to have you too, there's more than enough of them
[04:38] jfw: and yeah, nekoluce was swimming around the ethereum and similar waters but seems like she's beginning to find fresher ones. she's my girl since december and soon to be apprentice
[13:23] nekoluce: yes you are my jman darling ;) you are so sweet !
[20:26] jfw: j-man, that's one I haven't heard since maybe childhood
[20:27] nekoluce: I thought it was kind of cool x)
Day changed to 2025-02-08
[00:11] jfw: Got in a lovely outdoor ice skating session with backdrop of sunset on the river and perfect (cold) weather. I'm not very practiced and it had been a while, but what I may have lacked in grace I made up for in grit.
[00:12] jfw: See you soon, Panama.
Day changed to 2025-02-10
[12:38] lru: does anyone here dabble in non-BTC coins? if so, what wallet software do you use for them? I get the impression that there is almost a standard format for wallet data, but that talking to each different network may be slightly different
Day changed to 2025-02-11
[02:46] jfw: lru: I can't really advise you any better than you'd find for yourself on basic searches, but maybe narrow it down by clarifying your requirements - what hardware/OS/environment to run in for instance and what tradeoffs you can accept
[02:52] jfw: to my eye most of the "wallets" out there for whatever coin are rather dirty and it's not clear how they're all that different from just using exchange accounts, despite the well-meaning advice of "not your keys, not your coins".
[16:59] lru: jfw: thank you for your advice... I'm really just beginning to climb the learning curve of "web3" and "defi" networks, which appear to be a number of competing layers on top of other blockchains
[17:01] lru: for bitcoin, I could install something like electrum or bitcoin itself... but facing a world of hundreds, maybe thousands of potential different coins, I don't want to manage thousands of different wallet softwares... now,maybe I'm still too new, and these "hundreds" boil down into real "tens" or maybe just 2 or 3 different networks... maybe, I'm still learning
[17:04] lru: as I'm learning about "defi" networks, it looks to me like they are using smart contracts on programmable blockchains to achieve the possibility of trading "safely" between unknown people... in the bitcoin world, there is no smart contract, so you use the WoT or trade in person
[17:05] lru: and as these defi networks gets busier and busier, they have to scale to layer 2 blockchains on top of the main ones, just to keep up
[17:08] lru: so on the one hand, it looks interesting, and there's definitely the possibility of making money by trading on these networks... on the other hand, a more learned person than me may also discount it all as mess just waiting to implode on itself... and I'm trying to figure out which is which
[17:13] lru: without smart contracts, bitcoin is left relying on WoT, in-person, or centralized exchanges... the defi folks appear to be trying to create a general exchange technology that makes creating a new market as simple as creating a new bitcoin address, at least from a decentralization perspective... bitcoin is already decentralized, but only at the single transaction level
[19:09] lru: "In 2021, half of cryptocurrency crime was related to DeFi. This rise has been attributed to a combination of developer incompetence and non-existent or poorly enforced regulations." (heh)
[20:19] jfw: lru: without bot-enforced contracts there is counterparty risk from your trading partners; with them there is counterparty risk from the bots (code that nobody's reading) and from those pulling the strings of the pseudo-decentralized networks. and for that, all you really get is the ability to trade among those same types of digital assets. for anything outside the system like fiat, you're back to
[20:19] jfw: trusted third party custodians ("tether") or signal sources
[20:19] jfw: For added confusion, there are those claiming to do the same stuff "with bitcoin" too
[20:23] jfw: There are certainly those who've made money trading it, perhaps there's even alpha in it for those sharp enough (i.e. repeatable results, because even a purely random lottery will select its winners who can gladly boast of their number-picking skills); from what I've gathered it's pretty labor-intensive because opportunities tend to be short-lived, though perhaps on the upside they can be large.
[20:25] jfw: the "crime" quote doesn't seem meaningful without knowing how they define crime
[20:25] jfw: since in socialist paradise, having money is a crime
[22:04] lru: jfw: is it really "code that nobody's reading"? I was hoping that I'd be able to at least read the sources of the Decentralized Apps I'd be relying on... for example, if I tried to trade on uniswap, their server is open source, so I was expecting to be able to prove it is verifying everything I expected it to, just like I could with bitcoin
[22:05] lru: the complexity is a couple orders of magnitude higher tho, since uniswap "runs" on a supposedly turing complete ethereum blockchain
[22:06] lru: head-swimmingly complex, most likely
[22:08] lru: thanks for the feedback!
[22:41] jfw: well, mind the "could" versus "did".
[22:47] jfw: if you do take the time to study the stuff, I'd be curious if you find it worth vouching for or on the contrary worth mining for exploits
[22:54] jfw: the barrier to either endeavor is that the modern style is to prioritize the momentary convenience of the tinkerer at every stage without regard for ease of reading & understanding (since nobody's trying to do that anyway), no gigabyte of weird dependency mess is too much to ask for saving an hour of thinking and ten lines of code
[22:55] jfw:
[22:55] sourcerer: 2022-05-02 19:14:03 (#jwrd) rodolfo: It's OK, let's say I just need the miracle (installing X library from a repository)
Day changed to 2025-02-12
[02:12] nekoluce: hi cruciform
Day changed to 2025-02-15
[17:47] caai: greeting. we meet again
[21:33] lru: we do indeed
Day changed to 2025-02-16
[02:50] jfw: ftr, yesterday morning's outage was due to the host server; unclear exactly what happened, I found it powered up but unresponsive, no console video output and no hints in the saved kernel log on reboot. seems OK for now after a hard reset.
[03:05] jfw: and wb caai!
[16:02] caai: good to be back!
Day changed to 2025-02-17
[11:47] jfw: nekoluce, here's that euloran intro article I mentioned:
[13:26] nekoluce: thank you jfw :)
[13:27] nekoluce: start my day by reading ossasepia
[14:35] nekoluce: for the rotating banner
Day changed to 2025-02-19
[19:04] jfw: - notbad
[19:04] jfw: and what a change from the constant lying
Day changed to 2025-02-26
[20:13] dorion: 3
[22:44] jfw: whaack: how's it going up there?
[22:44] jfw: and also wondering what's up with all the nzbtcexplorer reconnects.
Day changed to 2025-02-27
[14:02] nekoluce: hi
[17:39] sstacks: hola everyone
[17:39] nekoluce: hello stacks !
[17:40] nekoluce: how is your day going ?
[17:46] sstacks: Good, getting some things done here and there as we are heading to a retreat during holidays here in Panama
[17:47] sstacks: I just stumble upon my EdgeRouter Lite is not working
[17:47] sstacks: So not running my bitcoind
[17:48] sstacks: ill try replacing power adapter cord
[17:49] sstacks: how's yours going?
[17:59] nekoluce: good doing some chores and working as well
[18:09] jfw: sstacks, do you still have the blue serial cable to view its console output?
[18:09] jfw: or are there no lights at all?
[18:09] jfw: a retreat from the carnavales madness sounds nice, I just got back from a beach trip
[18:13] jfw: though I don't recall the city getting too crazy, people mostly go to the interior right?
[18:34] sstacks: yeah, people tend to go to the interior
[18:34] sstacks: Console light is blinking with sound
[21:45] jfw: sstacks, you could bring the equipment by for me to have a look when you're back
[21:48] sstacks: jfw, ok, will do. Maybe thursday next week.. ill confirm
Day changed to 2025-02-28
[22:14] lru: bitcoin is low... should I sell now? // continuing the earlier joke about when I first bought it