
This is a pastebin service. To upload, send data on a TCP connection to this host on port 4. Once the client sending side closes, the server replies with a unique URL.

Pastes expire after seven days, while their identifiers generally won't be reused; so be sure to archive them elsewhere if needed. There is no size limit besides available disk space; at present, uploading much more than 10 MB weekly would be frowned upon if I don't know you, or 100 MB if I do.

Example for Linux:

$ echo hello world | nc 4
$ wget -q -O-
hello world

Or to paste directly from the browser, use the form below.

For this web gateway only (i.e. not the direct TCP service), the following PHP limit is in effect for the overall request size:

Built and operated by Jacob Welsh ; visit #jwrd for support.

Powered by Gales Linux.