

#jwrd Logs for Sep 2024

Filed under: #jwrd logs, Logs — Jacob Welsh @ 21:21
Day changed to 2024-09-02
[21:21] whaack: first for September!
[22:47] dorion: hey whaack, how goes ?
Day changed to 2024-09-03
[20:06] jfw: dorion: protip from the cookbook: 2 Tbsp pure cocoa powder added to a sweet-enough-already fruit based smoothie. excelente.
[21:16] dorion: jfw, ok. paulette just got some beans I can grind up.
[21:25] jfw: you just grind them straight, no fermentation or anything? I tried doing that once and they just got all moldy, never learned a proper process.
[21:26] jfw: (tried leaving them to ferment, I mean, as I'd read that's what's done)
[21:26] jfw: I recall she did something more involved for us once.
[21:46] jfw: ugh, apparently ye olde ChillingEffects changed their name to LumenDatabase and is the place to go if you wish not to find any database, but only teases of vague tidbits of information followed by bot-administered proof of stupidity should you try to click any further.
[21:47] jfw: makes sense then that it's the designated compost heap where google forwards their dmca takedown notices for public transparency & accountability and such.
[21:51] jfw: for such lulz as can be had though, the first page search results for 'rfk' cite a link taken down because 'The reported URLs are sharing a copy of my clients copyrighted material (photographs, videos) without permission' with original URL and allegedly infringing URLs including the likes of '' along with... amazon s3, wordpress, and the new york times.
Day changed to 2024-09-04
[16:29] whaack: dorion: all is swell, recently bought some land here. It's ~2 hectareas of trees on a hill 15m drive from the beach, paid about $1.50 per square meter.
[16:29] whaack: how is it in Panama?
[17:35] jfw: whaack: you gonna build some treehouses now?
[17:35] jfw: does it come with utilities, any water resources?
[17:37] whaack: nope, no electricity nor water, but there is a big project being built and there's only 1 lot that separates me from that project, so getting water/electricity within 1-3 years looks promising
[17:38] whaack: jfw: how's the jaw?
[17:39] jfw: about as usual; pretty well recovered from the tooth extractions so far, just keep having to brush the stuck food out of the sockets.
[17:40] jfw: otherwise, been on the lookout for higher level expertise in treatment options
[17:42] jfw: speaking of utilities just out of reach, it looks like the ISP connection is moving forward, at least with another 'inspection' tomorrow
[18:34] jfw: (incidentally, I finally learned that a hectare is simply a square hectameter, ie 1/100 square km.)
Day changed to 2024-09-05
[19:38] jfw: - things are looking good here, it seems while we were waiting the provider has already got their fiber trunk to the building, or at least got the rights and the physical rope to pull it through what turns out to be a pre-existing buried duct network owned by the state (ASEP) for the neighborhood.
[19:38] sourcerer: 2024-09-04 17:42:37 (#jwrd) jfw: speaking of utilities just out of reach, it looks like the ISP connection is moving forward, at least with another 'inspection' tomorrow
[19:42] jfw: normally these guys use their own ducts but there's been a specific policy for cable burial in obarrio in the works since 2011 if I heard right.
[19:49] jfw: at least it beats the situation the other side of the train tracks, so to speak.
[19:49] sourcerer: 2024-08-19 16:55:17 (#jwrd) jfw: home network is back. the optical fiber was a lie, it's some "hybrid fiber-coax" HFCS abortion but we'll see if it holds up better than the last guys' coax.
[19:50] jfw: no trouble noticed so far from that connection though.
[19:52] jfw: who knew that being near "the center" wasn't enough, it matters which specific block you're on. real estate stuff!

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