

#jwrd Logs for Mar 2025

Filed under: #jwrd logs, Logs — Jacob Welsh @ 05:10
Day changed to 2025-03-01
[05:10] lru: suppose I wanted to start a private bitcoin network internally that did not communicate with anyone else, for testing, and I wanted to start the blockchain from scratch, so I could experiment and experience what the beginning was like... is that possible to do without code changes, or do I need to hack bitcoin itself?
[05:13] jfw: lru: you'd probably need to look at checkpoints.cpp
[05:26] lru: thank you!
[20:56] lru: stumbled across this, and it reminds me of what I've read about Eulora:
Day changed to 2025-03-02
[18:41] jwm: hey friends
[18:42] nekoluce: hi
[18:43] nekoluce: hi chad !
[18:43] jfw: hey jwm, what's goin' on?
[19:14] caai: hi luz! happy sunday!
[19:16] nekoluce: happpy sunday chad how are you doing ?
[19:23] caai: I am doing well. how about you? did you buy any chocolate worms for the movie with jacob yesterday?
[19:24] nekoluce: no xD
[19:24] nekoluce: we had jacob choco no worms
[19:29] caai: haha. alright
Day changed to 2025-03-03
[22:30] lru: ", on the other hand, am not particularly intelligent -- I'm just very systematicaly dedicated to not being stupid."
[22:30] lru: does anyone know if he defined that system in one place? besides the glossary
Day changed to 2025-03-05
[14:02] caai: \query jfw
Day changed to 2025-03-07
[16:21] sstacks: Greetings to all
[18:02] dorion: hey sstacks, what's up ?
[18:08] sstacks: how you guys doing?
[18:10] dorion: ok. long time no see.
[18:11] dorion: are you back in the city this week ?
[18:16] sstacks: Yeah, arrived on tuesday.Been catching up with pending topics
[18:17] sstacks: Looking forward to take the edge router next week to jfw.
[18:18] sstacks: Wondering if i could take the online unit in case we need to apply some changes maybe? Dont know.
[18:19] sstacks: dorion im aware your achieved one more year of being born..i sent a whatsapp msg
[18:19] sstacks: congratulating
[18:25] dorion: sstacks, yeah, my bday was last week. thanks. didn't have much of a party this year, family was visiting and we went to the beach.
[18:29] sstacks: sounds good enough my friend. It is indeed important to stay in touch with fam.
[20:33] jfw: roger that, sstacks; I should be around
[20:34] jfw: seems like everybody wants to bring me their ailing computers lately
[20:35] jfw: sstacks: you could bring the node too, sure, I can do a health check and see if there's any new patches available
[20:36] sstacks: jfw: thanks
[20:37] sstacks: ok, how the tagging works? hhaha
[20:42] jfw: like highlighting lines in irc? that's when someone writes your nick
[21:00] sstacks: so you see my msgs to you highlighed when i write your nick?
[21:01] dorion: sstacks, yep.
Day changed to 2025-03-08
[02:35] jfw: lru: - not a bad find. I'm not aware of any tidy one-liner definition, though the question might serve at least as a reading lens since it permeates much of his writing. there is
[02:35] sourcerer: 2025-03-03 22:30:12 (#jwrd) lru: ", on the other hand, am not particularly intelligent -- I'm just very systematicaly dedicated to not being stupid."
[02:36] jfw: and perhaps something like seeing things for what they are rather than what you might want them to be
[02:45] jfw: !e view-height
[02:45] btcexplorer: block_height: 886774
[02:45] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 243
[02:45] jfw: here we go again - same here, with 274 minutes since last block.
[02:52] jfw: but that weather aside, this new guy is all up to speed.
[02:52] sourcerer: 2025-01-11 06:22:36 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: I removed the fake-new HDDs for return, along with the SAS RAID card for now since it was no longer serving any purpose. The new EVO 860 1TB SSD is in, bitcoin homedir is migrated and node sync is proceeding from block 461567, doing a good 8 bpm.
[02:52] jfw: (and got the dollars back from the HDD scam, if not the hoped-for terabytes.)
[03:06] jfw: caai: you up for a coffee tomorrow with some others? PM me
[03:28] jfw: !E view-height
[03:28] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 883682
[03:28] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 31533
[03:28] jfw: !e view-height
[03:28] btcexplorer: block_height: 886809
[03:28] btcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: -23
[14:08] jfw: !E view-height
[14:08] nzbtcexplorer: block_height: 883682
[14:08] nzbtcexplorer: mins_since_last_block: 32173
Day changed to 2025-03-09
[00:09] jfw: paging whaack; please to get nzbtcexplorer under control.
[00:10] nekoluce: paging ?
[00:10] jfw: nekoluce: it's an expression, like on a pager or PA system
[00:10] nekoluce: oh okay
[00:10] jfw: calling his attention if he gets to reading

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