

#jwrd Logs for Jan 2025

Filed under: #jwrd logs, Logs — Jacob Welsh @ 16:48
Day changed to 2025-01-01
[16:48] nekoluce: Happy new year!
[18:13] jfw: happy new year all, looks like nekoluce gets the "first post"
[18:26] nekoluce: first post first post !! huh yeah !
Day changed to 2025-01-02
[19:24] jfw: whaack or others - know any ways to grab individual items from without submitting to browser challenge / cloudflare honeypot? pretty sad situation given their "open source & data" claims and observation of the threat from others' anti-scraping hijinks
[19:25] jfw: they do link to a torrent but in this case it's like a 4TB tar file, no way to get just the intended item.
[22:11] nekoluce: bellow slow options there is another option where you can not use a captcha
[22:11] nekoluce: but instead you have to use a waiting list
[22:12] nekoluce: a minute or two
[22:13] jfw: yeah that one didn't work, I'll illustrate...
[22:13] jfw: well it says right there in the parentheses, "might require browser verification"
[22:14] nekoluce: no dont take that one
[22:15] nekoluce: Option #3: Slow Partner Server #3 (no waitlist, but can be very slow) this one
[22:16] jfw:
[22:16] jfw: same thing there
[22:16] nekoluce: oh
[22:17] nekoluce: so only option becoming a member
[22:17] nekoluce: and zlibrary ?
[22:17] nekoluce: or the russian one ?
[22:17] jfw: where is zlibrary these days? I recall there was an effort to shut it down
[22:18] nekoluce:
[22:18] nekoluce: z library in tor
[22:19] nekoluce: and in telegram
[22:19] nekoluce: i know you wont use telegram yet tor in the computer is worth trying ?
[22:20] jfw: oh like on a hidden service?
[22:20] nekoluce: yes
[22:21] nekoluce: you know there is telegram for computer as well maybe you can use it there ?
[22:21] nekoluce: to connect both and have zlibrary
[22:22] jfw: iirc the problem with telegram was it requires government ID. such privacy!! well, technically just a phone number but it's gotten harder to get those without ID now
[22:23] jfw: tor is yet another honeypot basically but it might be usable
[22:24] nekoluce: rob might not know how to help you with that ?
[22:25] nekoluce: he thought me some things of opensource programs and i told him of anna archive .w.
[22:26] nekoluce: or maybe you guys already new ? dunno
[22:26] nekoluce: if i dive deeper into the rabbit hole i think there was a software a friend recommend me
[22:27] nekoluce: i have it on whatsapp let me check
[22:27] jfw: with phone numbers? last I checked he's still using an old SIM card like me, we haven't found a current source of registration-free ones in panama. best idea was to go to the airport and try to buy them off departing tourists, lol
[22:28] jfw: it's actually easier in USA I think
[22:29] nekoluce: have you tried an esim ?
[22:29] jfw: I've seen they're pushing that but not sure how it works
[22:30] nekoluce: you buy a packaage and then it work like internet and a phone in several countries
[22:30] nekoluce: btw did you got my message on the phone ?
[22:31] nekoluce: i didnt pay it sorry i forgot xD
[22:31] nekoluce: now i can send messages again
[22:32] jfw: I got a couple messages, yeah, I'm just trying to consolidate the conversation here. so you couldn't send before because you hadn't paid and now it's ok?
[22:32] nekoluce: qubes os
[22:32] nekoluce: yep
[22:32] nekoluce: correct i didnt paid last month until i saw the message i had to pay
[22:33] nekoluce: but i could call which was weird i still dont understand
[22:33] nekoluce: but now i have minutes again
[22:33] jfw: right, a bit inconsistent. but sounds like problem solved.
[22:33] nekoluce: yes
[22:34] jfw: qubes os - that's something about running everything in VMs or containers if I recall
[22:34] nekoluce: could it be like a solution to run the programs that you need ?
[22:35] nekoluce: btw you didnt told me anything of the wood brocas ?
[22:35] jfw: it sounds like more problems than a solution to me, heh. I can already run virtual machines if needed though I prefer physical
[22:35] nekoluce: oh okay
[22:37] jfw: so let's see, you linked me to a set of concrete + metal bits; it looked fine, though I don't need the included screwdriver bits. We could then get the wood bits separately, sure, some reasonable range of sizes.
[22:37] jfw: there's no current need, just to have on hand because I have the drill anyway.
[22:38] nekoluce: so i got the four bulbs individually , the complete set of four in a pack the metal ones and concrete and yes about the wood ones there are different sizes...
[22:39] jfw: dorion: I asked her to look into drill bits along with the light bulbs, so you-know-who can just pay me back.
[22:40] nekoluce: rob says that ?
[22:40] jfw: that's me addressing rob.
[22:42] jfw: in inch terms maybe something like 1/8, 1/4 and 3/8 would do for the wood bits but we can see what you find
[22:47] nekoluce: depending on the model it depends on the price
[22:48] nekoluce: and brand
[22:50] nekoluce: found two of 1/8 in 0.99 cents
[22:52] jfw: I'm not picky about the brand here.
[22:53] nekoluce: there aint no 1/4
[22:53] nekoluce: for wood
[22:54] nekoluce: 3/8 1.75
[22:54] jfw: I guess that is pretty thick actually, might come only in the flat blade type, I forget what they're called. no problem
[22:55] jfw: 3/8 would be even thicker though
[22:55] nekoluce: but do you want it ?
[22:55] jfw: so there's nothing in between?
[22:56] nekoluce: let me see
[22:56] jfw: in metric it'd be between 3 and 6 mm
[22:57] nekoluce: there is one called flat blade 7/8" * 6" prenium for wood 2.25
[23:01] nekoluce: premium
[23:02] jfw: nah, just looking for the regular smaller ones in a range of sizes.
[23:02] jfw: helical / twist drills
[23:06] nekoluce: btw just before i forget
[23:07] nekoluce: today i read something about costa rica and brasil are going to get connected through flights
[23:08] nekoluce: isnt that great for you when you travel to visit your friends ?
[23:08] nekoluce: boeing flights
[23:12] jfw: like connected to Tocumen airport?
[23:12] nekoluce: like you can also go to brasil through costa rica
[23:13] nekoluce: boeing 737
[23:13] nekoluce: new flights
[23:13] jfw: ah ok. well currently I don't know many people in brazil but it was an idea to go explore
[23:14] nekoluce: hehe
[23:14] nekoluce: btw my mom says that we can see each other again just to take it slow .w.
[23:15] jfw: heh, alright, I'm glad she's found a way to calm down.
[23:16] nekoluce: .w. yup
[23:16] jfw: and didn't even need to bribe her with bread
[23:16] nekoluce: xD
[23:17] jfw: so how's that violin practice coming?
[23:17] nekoluce: yes im starting on january
[23:17] nekoluce: maybe the following next two weeks
[23:17] nekoluce: they havent called me yet
[23:18] nekoluce: do you wanna take classes with me ?
[23:18] nekoluce: just wondering
[23:19] jfw: hm, thanks but I think I mostly just need to get some regular practice to knock off the rust
[23:19] nekoluce: oh okay .w.
[23:20] nekoluce: i wanna see you play someday thou ;)
[23:20] jfw: sure. and maybe when I'm back from Maine you can show me what you can do
[23:20] nekoluce: sure
[23:20] nekoluce: are you currently on maine ?
[23:21] jfw: no, still planning on later january.
[23:21] nekoluce: oh okay
[23:21] jfw: but still got things to take care of h ere
[23:21] jfw: *here
[23:21] nekoluce: i bet you have to orgazine your trip well so everything stays still right ?
[23:22] nekoluce: like meetings so you can take the two weeks you ask for ?
[23:22] nekoluce: can you take some pictures of the snow please uwu?
[23:22] jfw: that's not so difficult especially as I don't have any students currently
[23:23] nekoluce: interesting .o.
[23:23] nekoluce: you are a teacher too?
[23:23] nekoluce: tell me more about it ....o.
[23:24] jfw: yes, there's the JWRD key management training
[23:25] jfw: there was at least one review, too:
[23:28] jfw: it teaches Linux command-line basics in the context of operating a Bitcoin node and wallet, secure communications through RSA identities and related topics
[23:29] nekoluce: can i read it all ?
[23:29] nekoluce: it sounds so entertaining
[23:29] nekoluce: wow your work is so interesting jacob
[23:29] nekoluce: i respect you
[23:30] jfw: thank you. the focus is mostly on the in-person (or zoom call) interaction, there are supporting texts but I haven't written a textbook as yet
[23:30] nekoluce: you should
[23:30] nekoluce: and make a book of your life as well
[23:31] nekoluce: i could buy it and read it TTwTT
[23:32] jfw: well there is Fixpoint, it's free but it's true I don't write for it all that often
[23:35] nekoluce: i dont know if its becaause i admire your work so much but you do know that your grammar is excelent as well that is so addicted to read .
[23:37] jfw: and my speling two!
[23:37] nekoluce: indeed is lovely
[23:37] jfw: - sure, always room for more snow pics
[23:37] sourcerer: 2025-01-02 23:22:40 (#jwrd) nekoluce: can you take some pictures of the snow please uwu?
[23:39] jfw: and as a blogger it's definitely motivating to have an audience so maybe you'll see more there too.
[23:40] jfw: there were a bunch of people around and reading when I started because I was doing it to align with TMSR - the most serene republic of bitcoin
[23:41] nekoluce: what do you think that might happen when there is no more bitcoin left ?
[23:41] jfw: won't happen; whatever bitcoin there is will simply be worth more
[23:41] nekoluce: i feel i want to talk about bitcoin everyday but im scared one day it might dissapeaar
[23:42] nekoluce: so crypto is infinite ?
[23:43] jfw: numbers at least are infinite indeed
[23:44] jfw: there are some reasons that it might disappear, or more likely continue to exist but not be secure or valuable; but what are your fears about?
[23:45] nekoluce: well i have always being surrounded by friends with the same interest learning about bitcoin what will be about it will the groups dissapear ?
[23:45] nekoluce: i consider my crypto groups as family
[23:46] nekoluce: even thou i understand you might consider them as business instead
[23:47] nekoluce: coding , talking about different topics and news is exciting
[23:47] nekoluce: you remmember when you said you didnt wanted to be alone me either
[23:48] jfw: I've already lived through such a collapse; actually it was a deliberate shutdown because the leader concluded that the world wasn't adequate to fulfill the vision.
[23:48] jfw: it was disorienting & distressing for sure
[23:50] jfw: prior to that it was stressful & exhausting, hard to keep up
[23:50] jfw: but basically, to my eyes the remaining lower-cost crypto groups just can't compare to what was lost
[23:52] jfw: but I'm still alive, so is bitcoin, and so are some friendships from there, so I carry on
[23:54] nekoluce: im glad i met you you are like the positive person i always needed to listen
[23:55] nekoluce: as long as im alive i still want to talk to you , you give me hope on people
[23:56] jfw: you're a pretty positive person yourself
[23:57] jfw: at least around me
[23:57] nekoluce: you think i feel i always talk as if im insecure myself
[23:57] nekoluce: thank you
[23:57] nekoluce: you bring the best of me
[23:59] jfw: I figure security comes from knowledge & experience; so insecurity is really just the default or natural state, to grow out of if possible
[23:59] jfw: well strength too, in whatever sense
Day changed to 2025-01-03
[00:01] nekoluce: the word strength comes hard upon myself sometimes ..sometimes i feel like i have no other option I know a lot of people but in new years eve i was completely alone even with my own mother
[00:02] nekoluce: watching other people instagram social media
[00:03] nekoluce: my family is all around the world but we barely talk
[00:03] nekoluce: so friends are the closest to family
[00:04] jfw: it's not an unusual situation these days unfortunately
[00:04] nekoluce: I love internet because i can talk to you this chat feels better than actually talking on whaatsapp
[00:04] jfw: and you know a lot of social media is pretty fake. like, people spend time showing off and making noise there because they don't have anything real to talk about with people around them
[00:05] nekoluce: more human
[00:05] nekoluce: it is
[00:06] nekoluce: I wish society was more human
[00:07] nekoluce: more warm
[00:07] nekoluce: less prejudice
[00:07] nekoluce: more empathy
[00:08] nekoluce: i was doing some recycling a month ago and the elder people where taking pictures with the jackets on instead of helping
[00:10] jfw: I wish so too. the approach is to find whatever humans might be around already, and work to build up potential-humans where possible; that's what Young Hands Club was about, but it shut down too for being too slow/ineffective; and Eulora I gather is sort of an attempt to find more sustainable & scalable ways to develop people
[00:12] nekoluce: what if we build something ?
[00:13] jfw: go on?
[00:14] nekoluce: like a website where people could talk about there emotions and dont show there faces something anonymous
[00:15] nekoluce: at least is an raw idea that i thought , what do you think
[00:15] jfw: I guess there's things like Alcoholics Anonymous that try to work something like that, heh.
[00:16] jfw: the trouble with anonymity is you can't really build relationships without longer term consistency
[00:16] jfw: online relationships without literal faces are certainly possible though
[00:18] jfw: but how much you get out of it very much depends on the people involved
[00:19] jfw: like, there's plenty of other IRC networks and channels but I'm only on this one; so it's not about the tech specifically, even though some technologies are better at facilitating quality conversations
[00:20] jfw: moderation also becomes necessary at some point, because once a space is sufficiently attractive & known, the idiots come in throwing shit around trying to ruin the party.
[00:21] nekoluce: i know ive been into public chats people mostly ask for sexting and in any age
[00:21] nekoluce: but i thought maybe thre is something that could be done just have to figure out the way to make it possible
[00:23] nekoluce: what if there are certain rules ?
[00:24] nekoluce: or protocols
[00:24] jfw: re sexting, I suppose there's no harm in their asking; either charge them for the privilege or decline if you're not so inclined; I can certainly imagine it being annoying, but it comes with the territory of being in the desirable demographic, you know?
[00:25] jfw: but certainly it sounds like they weren't very good at sales or else didn't have much else of substance to offer, so probably not high-quality online spaces, indeed.
[00:25] nekoluce: a high quality online space sounds nice
[00:26] nekoluce: people could offer a membership for the space ?
[00:26] nekoluce: and like duolingo the people who pay can give a freenium for those who cant pay with a limited access
[00:27] jfw: another piece that we're working on building/promoting is the Web of Trust, it can serve many of these purposes
[00:28] nekoluce: web of trust very good indeed is an excellent idea
[00:29] jfw: this was the canonical exposition of it, and here was an example of it in action for channel moderation
[00:30] jfw: if you make a GPG key then you can register it here using wotbot and I can rate you
[00:32] nekoluce: a key to access in order to each one to have their own validation
[00:32] nekoluce: ?
[00:33] jfw: your public key allows others to identify you online; you create it for yourself with a corresponding private key
[00:33] jfw: GPG is the software
[00:35] nekoluce: just as an ens thaat serves as an id or a wallet at the same time in the ethereum transactions
[00:37] jfw: probably so; proving ownership of an identity is pretty much the same thing as proving ownership of an address, after all
[00:38] jfw: just in one case you sign a very specific type of message authorizing transfer of funds, while in the other case you're signing human text or anything you want
[00:38] jfw: at the math level it's the same thing
[00:39] nekoluce: do youlike podcast?
[00:40] jfw: no, I like text and especially computer text; it's the most efficient and powerful form of expression
[00:40] nekoluce: oh okay
[00:40] nekoluce: then maybe you are going to like stacker news
[00:43] nekoluce: i did not see that cuming xD
[00:43] nekoluce: to explicit hahaha
[00:44] nekoluce: btw did you guys had beer pong some say its fun ?
[00:45] jfw: what, that I go for text?
[00:45] nekoluce: no no the picture on the text
[00:46] nekoluce: i bet you didnt saw it
[00:46] jfw: yeah I'm confused.
[00:46] nekoluce:][this]
[00:46] nekoluce: go lower
[00:48] jfw: ok, where?
[00:49] jfw: the 'no platforms' picture?
[00:50] nekoluce: He doesn't know it, of course, but the icon of his delayed-pubescence sexual fantasies / identity formation is actually Ryder Monroe.
[00:51] jfw: sounds like trilema but I don't see that in the WoT article
[00:51] nekoluce: you know we are talking on the main chat right ?
[00:51] jfw: yep
[00:51] nekoluce: oh okay just for making sure
[00:51] nekoluce: oay so what i see
[00:52] nekoluce: is a trans fucking another trans
[00:52] jfw: lolz
[00:52] jfw: did you follow one of the links maybe?
[00:52] nekoluce: all creamy
[00:52] nekoluce: no is the same page
[00:52] jfw: because I don't see any pictures in that one
[00:53] nekoluce: i feel that youare trolling me now xD
[00:53] nekoluce: what are you going to have dinner tnight ?
[00:53] nekoluce: tonight
[00:54] jfw: I mean, it's the sort of thing that wouldn't surprise me to find on trilema but I honestly don't know what you're seeing.
[00:54] jfw: who knows.
[00:55] nekoluce: can even link him to efforts at selling Shemale loira aguentando tora de negão no cu etcetera. It looks somewhat like this :
[00:56] jfw: dinner - I'm thinking rice pilaf plus some more of that leftover fish that just keeps on going
[00:56] nekoluce: you really love fish
[00:57] nekoluce: do you think before you go we can go to the cinema ?
[00:57] jfw: I think the issue is I don't love this one that much, it tastes... extra fishy or something, so I haven't been going for big portions. I just got a .7kg fillet
[00:58] jfw: sure, let's plan that in PM though.
[00:59] nekoluce: today it happen that i tasted ceasar sauce and it taste just like you it was so weird
[00:59] nekoluce: okay pm is good
[01:00] jfw: I promise I have not given any part of myself for use in salad dressings.
[01:00] nekoluce: promise me you better not xD
[01:01] nekoluce: but now i know how it feels like
[01:01] jfw: I may have infiltrated your senses though.
[01:01] nekoluce: xDDD
[01:02] nekoluce: i got a couple of new recipes also researching today
[01:02] nekoluce: simple ones
[01:02] nekoluce: mostly are creams
[01:02] nekoluce: like sups
[01:02] nekoluce: soups
[01:04] jfw: nekoluce: from searching the text you quoted, it sounds like you're on ; is it possible you typed or mis-copied my link? because trilema will take you to a random article if the link you give is not found
[01:05] nekoluce: like onions and carrots and create some stew and then put it into the blender just when you cool it down
[01:05] nekoluce: and ready to eat
[01:05] nekoluce: maybe
[01:05] nekoluce: i misstype it
[01:08] nekoluce: okay so i think you should want to go and eat i already had dinner so im going to take my pills and read for a while okay sweetdreams
[01:10] jfw: thanks, see ya
[01:10] nekoluce: see ya
[04:55] jfw: - the pilaf ended up getting a red onion, garlic, lime zest, white wine, salt and pepper. I'm still just using water instead of homemade stock like it calls for. Came out pretty mild, but nice enough; and the sauteed Robalo fish is finally consumed.
[04:55] sourcerer: 2025-01-03 00:56:03 (#jwrd) jfw: dinner - I'm thinking rice pilaf plus some more of that leftover fish that just keeps on going
[05:00] jfw: nekoluce: I think I gave enough information about the drill bits so choose something as best you can, let me know the dollar total and I can deposit in the morning.
[06:31] lru: argh,why does the shit tend to win? here's this nice project to preserve all the world's knowledge, and then they fall prey to Telegram as their communication platform... it's like wanting to transform the accuracy of the world's accounting, and then storing your work on FAT floppy disks using DOS
[06:38] lru: I guess TMSR answered my question... no common technology was good enough, and so all technical wheels were reinvented and made ultra rock solid... while a decade passed, everyone was busy making their own titanium boot soles before starting the trip
[06:39] lru: what's good enough for some (git) is a house of cards to others (vpatch)... I know, I know :-)
[06:39] lru: I'm just amazed how many alternative, underground, anti-establishment projects I've seen who sound fantastic, until their contact link is a telegram URL
[06:40] lru: end rant
[15:26] jfw: LARPing all around, each with his own personalized failures and limitations quite invisible to himself
[15:30] jfw: morning nekoluce
[15:30] nekoluce: sorry for making you upset iru
[15:30] nekoluce: good morning jacob
[15:31] jfw: nekoluce: he wasn't upset with you, on the contrary you helped bring the topic to light, if unexpectedly
[15:31] nekoluce: awesome .w. !
[15:32] nekoluce: btw i sum at all and it end in 36.93 without one of the brocs
[15:32] nekoluce: because couldnt find 1/4
[15:33] jfw: alright and that includes the delivery?
[15:33] nekoluce: yes
[15:33] jfw: good, then I'll get to it shortly.
[15:34] nekoluce: okay if you need me i will be here only that i might be off in midday because i have a lunch with my mom's boss
[15:35] jfw: no problem
[15:37] jfw: and I think I see what happened at - perhaps you clicked the link as identified by your irc client, which included the closing square bracket and link text as part of the URL, which they aren't.
[15:37] sourcerer: 2025-01-03 00:46:53 (#jwrd) nekoluce:][this]
[15:39] jfw: the web view converts those into proper HTML links; to open directly from IRC then it might be best to just copy the url "manually" and paste to browser
[15:42] jfw: lru: since you mention V though, note that there's more to it than just a new tool or patch format, and by some accounts was one of the more significant surviving things to come out of TMSR, even if more at the conceptual level than implementation.
[15:46] jfw: though I'll admit that at times I've also seen it as more of an obstacle than a support in practice.
[15:48] jfw: of course the same has been said of git by those accustomed to earlier things, or probably just about any innovation.
[15:53] jfw: and it's probably all true, because new things tend to be rough at first, and take time to mature. time, and sweat; and somebody has to pay for all that
[16:17] nekoluce: jacob sorry i forgot itbs
[16:18] nekoluce: its 39.03
[16:26] nekoluce: its 32.08 and 6.95 the delivery
[16:26] nekoluce: 32 with the itbms
[16:31] jfw: ah ok, got it.
[19:27] jfw: nekoluce: the deposit is made plus 10% for any surprises or otherwise a tip for the help; all clear to place the order.
[20:09] lru: nekoluce: oh don't worry about making me upset :-) it's just my puzzlement with telegram's success and other similar things
[20:16] jfw: lru: I guess for every Coke there's gotta be a Pepsi for those who want "alternative".
[20:17] lru: jfw: as I understand it, V = signed patches, while git = signed blockchain (it might already have signed commits these days, but I haven't put that through serious testing yet)
[20:17] lru: lol, perhaps
[20:18] lru: I'm glad to hear that there was at least one other person out there that went "wait, they want my *phone* number to sign up to this?" and balked
[20:21] jfw: perhaps closer to the spirit of it would be git = throwing some bits into a pile of bits, with crypto-stuff bolted on top, while V = presenting your work with due consideration to human consumption, with hard cryptographic guarantees built on WoT.
[20:22] lru: human consumption I understand.... can you elaborate on the hard crypto guarantees a bit? couldn't the same gpg keys used for git be in the WoT too?
[20:23] jfw: well, with Turing completeness you could emulate anything on top of anything, after all, but you lose something in the process and then you can look at how people actually use it based on how the tool shapes their habits
[20:25] lru: so V would make it harder to use a patch you didn't trust (or impossible) while git leaves it up to you whether you care to verify the signature at all or not
[20:26] lru: on the flip side, git encourages everyone to have a complete copy of the blockchain, while even just finding all the patches for the software you want with V is a challenge
[20:28] jfw: roughly; with V you choose explicitly whose signatures to trust and it's a core part, not optional indeed
[20:28] jfw: whether "challenge" or not depends on whether the authors or publishers want it to be, I suppose
[20:30] jfw: but I did some work to make it easy for one relatively special case,
[20:31] jfw: and there was the idea/observation of the reference code shelf
[20:36] lru: so.... I do like the idea of reading code as literature.... I appreciate the effort you've gone to, to make the bitcoin code simple to fetch... but there is a distinction that I think is helpful, that git does and V does not: it treats code like data. This means I can use the same tools I've trusted before to access, fetch, manage, store, and read(!) code, just like books, without needing to run anything like
[20:36] lru: a strange new helper script that I must read first to make sure does something sane. :-) I get the sense that this "code as data" is core to git, while outside the scope of V... perhaps there is room for another tool to library-ify code as data.
[20:40] jfw: code as data sounds like the compiler writer's perspective; the V world considers code as text.
[20:40] jfw: which is a subset of data, I guess.
[20:41] jfw: mechanically speaking
[20:41] lru: I mean it in the sense that HTTP treants text as data... there are common ways to fetch it, locate it, etc
[20:41] lru: treats*
[20:42] lru: git does that for code, really, any "source control" does that for's the primary function of source control I guess
[20:42] lru: "get me version 1.5.3 of src/lib/math.c please"
[20:43] jfw: I'm not so sure about this "same tools as before without new strange being pushed" in practice -
[20:43] sourcerer: 2022-04-03 19:30:00 (#jwrd) jfw: In unsurprising but still aggravating progress, github no longer supports git.
[20:43] lru: in V world, it might be "get me jfw's idea of the last 3 versions of src/lib/math.c please"
[20:47] jfw: I'd say that's in scope for V and I made some efforts to push it in that direction, probably not just me; but in practice, downloading the patches wasn't enough of a problem for the people actually using it so as to be worth optimizing yet, I'd say
[20:49] lru: "scans the world".... that's the hard part :-) but yes, I agree, in scope, with that requirement
[20:49] jfw: I do hear the point about the special new helper script and indeed I point out my original attempts to make it more universal, but what was available didn't meet my need so I had to make something new, and I made it as simple as I could manage.
[20:52] lru: it's that balance of trying to keep code simple, but then you're missing many common features... simple code might barely need an 8 line makefile, and works great, but the bigger it gets, the more autoconf or cmake or something makes sense... but as soon as you start using those tools, you're hitched to those version wagons, just like with git's protocol needing to change from time to time, or even HTTP getting
[20:52] lru: new versions over time (thankfully rarely)
[20:54] lru: anyway... maybe my balking is my sign I need to figure out how to make git and V friends instead of strangers
[20:55] jfw: how do you mean?
[20:58] jfw: note also there was a split, basically following the MP/asciilifeform split in the late days of the republic, between those who thought the extant V implementations were good enough or close enough to done, and those who concluded otherwise through experience,
[21:01] lru: well, take your recent project for example... there is something to be said for being able to point a newbie at a git repo and a README file and having them bootstrap themselves... but in V world (or maybe TMSR world), that's not how you come in... instead you're expected to read multiple blogs from start to finish, gather patches as you go along, and then see the world from a whole new persective... and while
[21:01] lru: that path might actually be the fastest and least burden on the rest of TMSR, I still feel guilty asking you for links to various things because I have no clue where to find them... there's no door to simply hack on something in private until I have something semi useful
[21:01] lru: your recent project = the one you were offering to have someone setup a bot, I think, for 0.002 BTC
[21:02] jfw: nah, the demand in TMSR world was to interact with people. the blogs were supporting resources and of course the longer you'd been around and the more you'd read, the better clue you'd have of what was going on
[21:03] lru: interesting
[21:04] jfw: the barrier to lordship increased over time as more history accumulated, but there was room in the world for those who weren't there
[21:05] jfw: i.e. hacking in private aka manaloning was exactly the wrong approach, albeit a common failure mode.
[21:05] lru: manaloning lol, that's a new term for me
[21:07] lru: in many open projects, resources are created with the exact goal of reducing the amount of interaction, because that takes time away from actually doing stuff... is it different in TMSR due to size, or because doing stuff is not the goal?
[21:08] jfw: ahaha
[21:08] jfw: rather, interaction is a core part of doing any sort of useful stuff
[21:10] jfw: sure you can work to reduce redundant/boring interactions, hence all the fancy referencing systems for instance
[21:10] lru: TMSR cross referencing is epic :-)
[21:16] lru: side question about the WoT... do most people use their real names when interacting with it?
[21:20] jfw: it's encouraged, in the spirit of humanizing the relationships, but not required
[21:20] jfw: here's your manalone from the lexicon
[21:25] lru: somehow I think I've missed that page all this time
[21:26] lru: and there it is, right on the side panel
[21:26] lru: doh
[21:27] jfw: looks like that page came about in 2020, as a merge of prior articles.
[21:27] jfw will bbl
[21:27] lru: thanks for your help!
[22:06] nekoluce: hey
[23:37] nekoluce: hello ?
Day changed to 2025-01-04
[13:28] nekoluce: Good morning finish the shopping from the store .w. its coming and send you the receipt
[16:23] jfw: thank you nekoluce, can you confirm when is the expected delivery? because I don't see it there
[16:23] jfw: we're on the verge of answering the age-old question: how many panamanians does it take to change a light bulb?
[16:24] jfw: lru: you're welcome
Day changed to 2025-01-05
[14:29] nekoluce: good morning .w. !
[18:26] dorion: -- 10-4. you can just write her name, you know ?
[18:26] sourcerer: 2025-01-02 22:39:18 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: I asked her to look into drill bits along with the light bulbs, so you-know-who can just pay me back.
[18:30] dorion: -- i've not dug into it, since i've used it on toilet boxes, I just let the cloudflare scripts run. I get why cloudflare is bad and would prefer a way around it, but would you mind explaining why you're adverse to allowing it on a toilet box ? isn't permissiveness for the sake of convenience what they're for anyways ?
[18:30] sourcerer: 2025-01-02 19:24:36 (#jwrd) jfw: whaack or others - know any ways to grab individual items from without submitting to browser challenge / cloudflare honeypot? pretty sad situation given their "open source & data" claims and observation of the threat from others' anti-scraping hijinks
[18:31] dorion: permissiveness for the sake of convenience while still partitioned from the systems with a high security profile.
[18:44] dorion: -- explanation of their architecture, including why/how they use cloudflare.
[18:45] jfw: hi dorion
[18:46] jfw: how's the week winding up?
[18:50] jfw: - it's not just about the security of the client machine; it's about handing over to the enemy the details of what you're up to. like with using google.
[18:50] sourcerer: 2025-01-05 18:30:23 (#jwrd) dorion: -- i've not dug into it, since i've used it on toilet boxes, I just let the cloudflare scripts run. I get why cloudflare is bad and would prefer a way around it, but would you mind explaining why you're adverse to allowing it on a toilet box ? isn't permissiveness for the sake of convenience what they're for an
[18:53] jfw: besides that, it's WAF aka voodoo firewall attempting to keep out bots, exactly in the same vein as CAPTCHA. feed it today and it'll eat you tomorrow
[18:53] jfw: and here's a project that should seriously know better, going straight for the usual nonsense. so I'm at least asking if anyone found a sane way to use it, that's all.
[18:55] jfw: "ooh cloudflare's giving me something for free, must be food"
[18:58] jfw: plus, using the toilet box with proper practices is pretty inconvenient; switching around, eventually needing to transfer the data to archive it or do anything else useful with it, etc. so it's an option but not first resort.
[19:09] jfw: - is she reading now such that using her name would do something? otherwise, I was trying to be cute by not naming names about the demonstrated lack of care for stuff that I loaned you guys for free. slowly learning my lesson, I guess next time I'd better spell out terms & conditions & deadlines & pricing.
[19:09] sourcerer: 2025-01-05 18:26:53 (#jwrd) dorion: -- 10-4. you can just write her name, you know ?
[19:15] jfw: or do you have a better idea? it seems like a small matter, but a question of principle
[19:27] dorion: -- overall, made some progress.
[19:27] sourcerer: 2025-01-05 18:46:20 (#jwrd) jfw: how's the week winding up?
[19:28] dorion: -- fair enough. and I agree they should know better. but to answer your question, no, I've done the work to find a sane way to use it.
[19:28] sourcerer: 2025-01-05 18:53:55 (#jwrd) jfw: and here's a project that should seriously know better, going straight for the usual nonsense. so I'm at least asking if anyone found a sane way to use it, that's all.
[19:30] jfw: dorion: alright, my week has continued heavier on the daily life/admin and social fronts than jwrd work; looking to be more hunkered down today.
[19:30] dorion: -- no, she's not reading.
[19:30] sourcerer: 2025-01-05 19:09:15 (#jwrd) jfw: - is she reading now such that using her name would do something? otherwise, I was trying to be cute by not naming names about the demonstrated lack of care for stuff that I loaned you guys for free. slowly learning my lesson, I guess next time I'd better spell out terms & conditions & deadlines & pricing.
[19:31] dorion: jfw, alright, my balance was, but can improve and need to log my notes, among some other work today.
[19:32] jfw: your balance was balanced?
[19:33] nekoluce: hello guys! good afternoon !
[19:34] jfw: good afternoon nekoluce
[19:35] dorion: balace was decent.
[19:35] dorion: balance*
[19:36] jfw: heh, ok then
[19:39] jfw: dorion: sounds like nekoluce is interested in helping paulette get more (or anything) out of IRC, as she herself has enjoyed it a lot
[19:40] jfw: there's some additional age gap that could be at work there, but then, perhaps we threw her (paulette) into the deep end with yrc when there are also more pointy-clicky options
[19:41] nekoluce: I like to teach and i have friends from different ages literally xD
[19:41] nekoluce: but if i could help im on .w.
[19:42] nekoluce: irc is so much fun
[19:43] jfw: there you have it
[19:44] jfw: nekoluce: btw don't know if you missed this question from when you were offline yesterday
[19:44] sourcerer: 2025-01-04 16:23:07 (#jwrd) jfw: thank you nekoluce, can you confirm when is the expected delivery? because I don't see it there
[19:45] nekoluce: oh sory yes i miss it
[19:45] nekoluce: the delivery will be 9 of january
[19:45] nekoluce: let me chekc the time
[19:45] nekoluce: check
[20:02] dorion: jfw, I don't think it was the difficulty of yrc fundamentally. nevertheless, nekoluce, which client are you using ?
[20:06] dorion: -- copa has a couple direct flights to brazil from panama. they even added florianopolis last year.
[20:06] sourcerer: 2025-01-02 23:12:49 (#jwrd) nekoluce: like you can also go to brasil through costa rica
[20:08] nekoluce: client o.o ?
[20:08] jfw: the program you use to connect to the irc network.
[20:08] nekoluce: limechat
[20:09] jfw: yep, that's on the mac. we also tried Atomic on android, it seemed there was some trouble with it but we didn't investigate yet.
[20:09] nekoluce: it was easy to connect jacob help me since we downloaded it into the computer then i introduce the information from the channel and then i have been texting from almost a month
[20:10] nekoluce: the atomic didnt let me read the conversations
[20:10] nekoluce: it erased them
[20:10] nekoluce: and it disconnnected every once
[20:10] jfw: oh like previous messages were gone when you reopened it later?
[20:10] nekoluce: yes they didnt
[20:11] nekoluce: i dont know why
[20:11] nekoluce: i could type
[20:11] nekoluce: but they didnt let me see the conversation
[20:11] jfw: hm. at least for the public channel there is the web log but still sounds no bueno
[20:14] jfw: dorion: I realized at least one thing holding me back from pushing forward the bouncer setup, whether myself or by hire, was what it does to the network architecture, basically introducing accounts & password authentication as a "required" part where previously it was anon or GPG
[20:15] dorion: would it be required for everyone or just bouncer users ?
[20:15] jfw: like I opted against adding nickserv etc. because we wanted to implement rsa authentication by bot anyway, and now it creeps back in
[20:16] jfw: just bouncer users, yeah. it's probably fine, as a compromise for those who can't have better connections
[20:16] jfw: like, best of the poor available options
[20:17] dorion: it's what they're used to anyways and it's always something they could and hopefully will outgrow.
[20:17] dorion: and doesn't impose the nonsense on people that don't need it.
[20:18] dorion: and we should still always encourage people to register RSA keys anyways.
[23:09] nekoluce: she said yes ...
Day changed to 2025-01-06
[00:53] jfw: dorion: did you perchance save the shipping box from the HDDs? I might actually be able to return them on my Maine trip. the bezos bezzle doesn't give any other options.
[00:54] jfw: I still have the air cushions and can find a box if necessary but the original had that perfect fit.
[02:37] jfw: dorion: I'd be pretty bummed about having to wait yet another month or whatever to get the server in use. What about putting an SSD in it now for the node, then the existing 600G RAID1 is usable for everything else. We can still add bigger drives through the RAID card later, perhaps once requirements clarify.
[02:38] jfw: I have one 860 EVO 1T on hand. possibly some used 250G ones that could still be used for an apu1.
[02:44] jfw: otherwise my options right now feel like "waste of more time and money A, B, or C, some of which might also eat your data"
[02:50] jfw: but of those, I'd still be most inclined to stick with the prior choice of 512-native-sector, 4T SAS drives. Just might cost more than before, whether by trying more amazonium or going to more official distributors
[02:51] jfw: and with amazon, I might simply end up with more convincing frauds.
[03:20] dorion: jfw, sounds fine w/ me to use an ssd for the node for the meantime. how far did we get with the sync by now ?
[03:23] jfw: still in the 85x's.
[03:23] jfw: er
[03:23] jfw: 45x's, specifically 458565.
[20:35] nekoluce: hello
[21:50] jfw: ahh, the smell of fresh bread in the afternoon. finally got the next one baked.
[21:50] jfw: hi nekoluce
[21:54] jfw: since you mentioned interest in helping with something related to the IRC bouncer setup, I think a good step would be to firm up your understanding, first of what it is and then what the project might involve
[21:56] nekoluce: okay
[21:56] jfw: how about writing up a summary of the job to be done, starting from how I've described it here and filling in from what you learn?
[21:59] jfw: the default choice of software would probably be ZNC, it's what I heard the most about people using, but I wasn't restricting the choices to that up front since I haven't really looked into them.
[22:05] nekoluce: okay
[22:05] nekoluce: ill research
[22:06] jfw: great, and just ask if you get stuck / lost / whatever.
[22:07] nekoluce: btw need to ask you something in private
Day changed to 2025-01-07
[13:50] nekoluce: good morning .w.
[21:43] dorion: jfw, get a load of this swamp correspondence :
[21:43] jfw: looking
[21:44] jfw: ho boy, I'ma need a seatbelt or something aren't I
[21:54] jfw: pretty delicious so far actually
[21:56] dorion: -- this one cleans up much of the unicode, at least the punctuation. there's still some emojis in there.
[21:57] jfw: when did he ever "write good reviews of our product" btw? I recall like a sentence or two by email or something on request
[22:00] jfw: the cult of MP is dead, all hail the new cult of Zelf, the standard of new wallets all across crypto!
[22:00] jfw: they have ellipticals.
[22:05] jfw: bwahahaha, they'll get more entropy from faces because of POLARIZED LENSES!!
[22:12] dorion: the retconning goes deep. not only do I not recall and advice about making it better. I do not recall any of these supposed warnings about MP. and I do recall them going to a celebratory dinner the night you got accepted to young hands, probably junto related, nevertheless.
[22:13] jfw: I guess you could mention the wallet consulting service, i.e. how we actually did take that supposed feedback from johan among others that people are too dumb and lazy to see value in learning how to computer and just want their hands held.
[22:14] jfw: good to know, I didn't recall any such things either but figured maybe it was in private convos
[22:14] dorion: I reckon he's primarily butthurt about MP because he pretends to be a christian (armaggeddon is near, here come the horsemen ! anyone who doubted JC and the bible will pay !!) while never have reading the sources.
[22:15] jfw: who needs to read the bible, it's stuck in the last millennia while the rest of us are building future-proof solutions.
[22:16] jfw: I do recall during the training where he basically likened the desire to control one's own supply chain to Hitler wanting stuff made in germany.
[22:17] dorion: hahahah. but god is never stuck in the past. well, at least not the god my parents bullied me into 'believing' while telling me everyone else worships demons.
[22:18] nekoluce: demons are cool
[22:19] jfw: demons, daemons or daimons?
[22:19] dorion: jfw, did you find me to be evasive or projecting as they claimed ? sure, I didn't reply to ~every~ point.
[22:20] jfw: where do they say evasive?
[22:20] jfw: looks like you mentioned projection first so miguel probably just grabbed that from the aether like the rest of his buzzword salad.
[22:21] jfw: it's a "NO U"
[22:22] dorion: well, says i'm resulting to insults and playing the victim to cover for my own supposed insecurities.
[22:22] jfw: it read to me like Lewis said, you pointed out some clues but you're not there to give free investor consulting
[22:24] jfw: nor do I recall where you made yourself out in any way as victim
[22:24] dorion: exactly. and ainol, but pretty sure he's breaking securities laws in several jurisdictions. even if they are building on analos.
[22:24] nekoluce: what is analos?
[22:24] dorion: solana spelled backwards.
[22:24] nekoluce: oh xD
[22:25] dorion: ;-) hahaha
[22:25] jfw: what about ainol?
[22:25] dorion: ianol*
[22:25] nekoluce: lonia?
[22:25] jfw: IANAL - I am not a lawyer, I think.
[22:25] dorion: fuck. ianal.
[22:26] nekoluce: objection ! xD
[22:26] dorion: better just write it out nexttime.
[22:27] nekoluce: im drinking hot cocoa :)
[22:27] dorion: jfw, I know it's very high level description. but what are your thoughts about miguel's last few lines describing their 'system' ?
[22:28] jfw: as far as insults, you open with a 'wtf' which out of context might look out of line especially over "just a typo" or whatever; from my vantage point it's quite symptomatic of their "thinking" and fair enough to call out noisily. but in any case, miguel then kneejerk retorts by name-calling "hater", before even checking what you might be talking about. it proceeds from there.
[22:29] dorion: yeah, it wasn't a wtf out of the blue, as this wasn't the first chatter about it.
[22:31] jfw: his marketingspeak at the end (maybe he should put it through chatgpt a few more rounds, gotta keep up with the times!) doesn't actually address the question asked which was to rebut your claim specifically
[22:32] nekoluce: do you guys use chatpt ?
[22:32] dorion: mno.
[22:32] nekoluce: chatgpt?
[22:33] jfw: there were some pretty funny threads I had playing around with it
[22:34] nekoluce: where do you read your threads jacob ?
[22:35] jfw: I mean 'conversations' I had with chatgpt
[22:36] jfw: it's like this always-happy assistant that always says "yes sir!" to anything, even in contradiction to what it just said earlier
[22:36] jfw: such intelligence
[22:39] nekoluce: btw sorry i interrupt again but can i gain a little more insight based on the domains and websites that you guys need ?
[22:40] jfw: nekoluce: ah sure, this was about my request to the ISP for more IP addresses
[22:40] nekoluce: yup
[22:40] jfw: I'll explain a bit...
[22:42] jfw: ISPs are sorta like real estate holding companies with a tech flavor, that charge rent for access to their stuff. some of that stuff is physical like cables in the ground, servers, routers, exchange points and such. Other stuff is logical, like domain names and IP addresses.
[22:43] nekoluce: you said you need 5 websites router to one server right ?
[22:43] nekoluce: and three domains without spam ?
[22:44] jfw: usually you don't buy domain names from your ISP because there's no physical relationship, no need for it to go through them. but IP addresses can only be obtained from the ISP, unless you're big enough to buy your own from the higher authorities.
[22:44] jfw: and you need addresses to connect services to the internet.
[22:45] jfw: currently, due to gross mismanagement by said higher authorities amid dreams that an internet-altcoin called "IPv6" will take over some day if they make enough noise, there is an apparent shortage of proper IPv4 addresses.
[22:46] jfw: a secondary market has emerged where you can buy large blocks of them, but again, that only makes sense above a certain scale. so at the retail level, we have to deal with rationing by the companies that own them.
[22:47] jfw: thus, even though they're supposedly in the business of making money by selling internet service, they generally also need a bureaucrat-friendly justification of "why" we want to buy their product and how much.
[22:47] nekoluce: IPV6 and IPV4 you are talking about internet right ?
[22:47] jfw: yep
[22:47] nekoluce: i router them once that why i have some notion
[22:48] jfw: so, I give a truthful but not detailed account of the currently known or anticpated services that we need the addresses for, plus room to grow.
[22:48] jfw: *anticipated
[22:49] jfw: and the sales dude simply hasn't responded at all so I don't know if he needs more information or just more coffee or what.
[22:49] nekoluce: so therefore more websites and three more domains ?
[22:49] nekoluce: xD
[22:49] nekoluce: maybe i could go and try to convince him in person ?
[22:49] nekoluce: or maybe just talk
[22:50] jfw: I'd say give it a day, then I'll get you his phone number.
[22:50] nekoluce: okay
[22:50] jfw: he's just too busy I think.
[22:50] jfw: and disorganized, so the reminding falls to us.
[22:51] jfw: and he seems to prefer phone calls, but I found him very hard to understand on the line.
[22:52] jfw: too panamanian for my ear.
[22:52] jfw: which is why you're the perfect intermediary.
[22:53] jfw: - specifically this was 5 websites and 3 email domains.
[22:53] sourcerer: 2025-01-07 22:49:15 (#jwrd) nekoluce: so therefore more websites and three more domains ?
[22:55] nekoluce: thanks sourcerer bot
[22:56] jfw: back to dorion's lolz, I'll just put this prediction from johan castellanos clearly on the record: "BTC architectures, dependent on ECC and SHA256 are years if not months away from being penetrated/hacked and made obsolete. This will bring the downfall to all Bitcoin maxis."
[23:10] jfw: I imagine that's coming from downstream of the recent paywalled quantum computing announcement from google, so here's some commentary on that -
[23:12] jfw: sounds like the aliens still have not yet landed nor even been sighted, but theoretical advances have been made as to the possible existence of aliens.
[23:12] jfw: coming to take our space cash.
[23:15] jfw: we're the paranoia inspired ones though, for defending against attacks that actually exist.
[23:17] jfw: such as automatic updates, l0l.
[23:29] nekoluce: space cash hehehe
[23:36] jfw: as to the "hack it and show proof or gtfo" angle, the issue is that their thing, like most of the stuff around, relies at best on "NOBUS security", i.e. quite contrary to their decentralization claims, it might be unbreakable to independent entities, yet transparent to insiders with biometrics databases. like apple or anyone else doing face ID at scale.
[23:38] jfw: iirc I said this to their faces (so to speak) but they brush it off
[23:40] jfw: though it may have just been the more obvious form in which dorion makes the point - public data like facial images doth not a private key make, and saying "private key management is complicated and risky" doth not make the need disappear.
Day changed to 2025-01-08
[04:22] jfw: that Dark Buzz looks like a pretty cool blog actually. Roger Schlafly, son of the noted Phyllis; and he has a book on the case for taking Einstein off his pedestal (in favor of a string of other more modest parties, especially Lorentz & Poincare, for developing relativity)
[04:25] jfw:
[13:11] nekoluce: good morning the blockchain chamber is going to establish regulatory meassurements for crypto in panama and just wondering if you guys wanted to apply to speak for yourselves or maybe not interested ?
[13:27] nekoluce: good morning btw be careful today they might close some streets
[13:52] dorion: nekoluce, thanks for sharing, pretty lulzy and sadly very on brand to a) be a g00gle form and b) require a whatscrap account.
[13:53] dorion: who is closing streets and why ? I thought the 9th is the day of the martyrs ?
[14:18] nekoluce: sorry rob that i didnt reply
[14:19] nekoluce: they are closing it because edmmundo is coming to panama and people from the left are against him
[14:19] nekoluce: the venezuelan elected president
[14:44] dorion: venezuelans in panama are against him ? or is it mainly the suntracs union that got their funds frozen last year because they were allegedly received from maduro ?
[14:50] nekoluce: suntracs
[14:50] nekoluce: yes you are right
[15:11] nekoluce: because of maduro
[16:10] jfw: 'camara digital blockchain' - looks like my browser first ran into this march 2019 though I don't recall anything of it. anyone know who they are and/or who's behind this 'regulatory framework' push?
[16:15] jfw: they list the blockchain space as a partner among others I don't know of
[16:17] nekoluce: rodrigo and myrja
[16:17] nekoluce: also janice
[16:18] jfw: not sure if I met a myrja but the name seems familiar.
[16:18] jfw: dorion, I guess we could talk to them directly?
[16:19] jfw: or see if rodrigo at least can get a WoT presence
[16:21] jfw: dorion: - on the positive side, didn't you have a history of JWRD in Bitcoin article coming? I guess those who don't want to see the innovation won't no matter what, but couldn't hurt to have it more clearly on display.
[16:21] sourcerer: 2025-01-07 21:43:16 (#jwrd) dorion: jfw, get a load of this swamp correspondence :
[16:22] jfw: just because we haven't completely changed our direction every two years doesn't mean we haven't done anything since 2016, lolz.
[16:27] jfw: - my angle being, thus far we choose to live in Panama and so we do have some interest in making sure it makes sane policies if for some reason it needs to be making policies at all; but Panama needs Bitcoin a whole lot more than Bitcoin needs Panama, so it is they who should be coming to the Bitcoin people.
[16:27] sourcerer: 2025-01-08 16:19:30 (#jwrd) jfw: or see if rodrigo at least can get a WoT presence
[16:35] jfw: unless of course Panama is fully content with being a US vassal state, relying on their currency and their communication tools while celebrating however many martyrs it pleases to sacrifice inconsequentially.
[16:37] nekoluce: I think innovation is always helpful
[16:37] nekoluce: panama can become a technological hub if it really wanted too
[16:40] jfw: honest innovation is helpful, I'd say.
[16:40] jfw: what do you think it needs / is missing to become that tech hub?
[16:41] nekoluce: there are approving certain technologies
[16:42] nekoluce: more related to medicine
[16:42] nekoluce: yet
[16:42] nekoluce: AIG
[16:42] nekoluce: or the gubernamental authority
[16:42] nekoluce: of innovation
[16:42] nekoluce: is working toward blockchain
[16:42] nekoluce: even president mulino said something about it
[16:43] nekoluce: and in the last meeting I have some pictures of the plan
[16:43] nekoluce: going to forward them to you as well
[16:44] jfw: thanks
[16:45] jfw: I think Panama has a sorta-ok business climate and it has its tax incentives; it has a lot of bureaucracy and extraction engines going that are most problematic for startups trying to work within the system
[16:47] nekoluce: btw did you already receive your products ?
[16:47] jfw: and it has an annoying tendency to adopt whatever latest nonsense the foreign powers are pushing which ends up making it a worse place to do whatever it is than said foreign powers - which would be the point I guess
[16:48] jfw: no, I'll check with the guys downstairs.
[16:48] nekoluce: already sent you to your email the plan
[16:50] nekoluce: of the plan
[17:10] nekoluce: jacob tell me if something is missing okay or is the delivery alright ?
[17:34] jfw: nekoluce: yep everything's there.
[17:35] jfw: it was kinda funny, the guys in the truck just sort of stood around waiting for me to come to them, too shy to approach the building and talk to the guy or something.
[17:43] nekoluce: hahaha
[18:10] dorion: -- yeah, thanks for the nudge.
[18:10] sourcerer: 2025-01-08 16:21:30 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: - on the positive side, didn't you have a history of JWRD in Bitcoin article coming? I guess those who don't want to see the innovation won't no matter what, but couldn't hurt to have it more clearly on display.
[18:11] dorion: -- what does that even mean ?
[18:11] sourcerer: 2025-01-08 16:42:44 (#jwrd) nekoluce: is working toward blockchain
[18:49] nekoluce: if you have email i can forward you the pictures as well robinson
[18:49] nekoluce: the plan that the aig has
[18:55] jfw: dorion: after all, we've done more already to improve the bitcoin user experience on several fronts than the cluckerfuckers ever will.
[18:57] jfw: dorion: have you come across any under-sink water filters like the shower head ones we were using? I'm coming back to the idea that the water is exacerbating my skin troubles; the shower head filter seemed nice but perhaps not enough by itself.
[18:58] jfw: and did you still want your cartridge replaced? I'll ask nekoluce to take care of mine and could get you in on it.
[19:00] nekoluce: print cartridge ?
[19:00] jfw: shower head mounted water filter.
[19:00] nekoluce: oh okay
[19:00] jfw: let me find it
[19:02] jfw:
[19:03] jfw: there we go
[19:03] jfw: I believe they can deliver but you can help me with arranging it & the payment as before
[19:05] nekoluce: oh okay they say first delivery is free
[19:06] nekoluce: which one you want ?
[19:08] nekoluce: >/////<
[19:08] jfw: hm, not sure what's the difference between "repuesto - 'cartucho'" and "repuesto de filtro". possibly just the quantity?
[19:09] jfw: lol what's that face?
[19:09] nekoluce: blushed
[19:09] nekoluce: cartucho is like
[19:11] nekoluce: the cathridge
[19:11] nekoluce: and repuesto is
[19:12] nekoluce: in case you need another new one
[19:12] jfw: also the cartridge, I think.
[19:13] jfw: a cartridge in a pear tree.
[19:15] nekoluce: they only have shower filter for the moment
[19:15] nekoluce: and spare filter
[19:16] jfw: that sounds like everything then, what is it they don't have ?
[19:16] nekoluce: the pear tree cartridge ?
[19:16] jfw: oh that was a joak.
[19:17] jfw: there's just 2 parts, the housing and the filter cartridge. I have the housing and it just needs the filter inside replaced.
[19:17] nekoluce: you were joaking xD?
[19:17] nekoluce: then the replacement could be good
[19:17] jfw: you know, the christmas song, "and a partridge in a pear tree"...
[19:17] nekoluce: oh xD
[19:17] nekoluce: on the twelve day of christmas xD
[19:18] jfw: so if you really want to confuse them you can ask if the cartridge comes with a pear tree. but otherwise just try to clarify those different replacement options.
[19:18] jfw: then we'll see if dorion wants in on the order, and I can get you the cash on friday.
[19:20] jfw: unless they can just take it on delivery but I doubt that.
[19:22] nekoluce: dont like deliveries ?
[19:24] jfw: I'm saying I don't think they'll take payment by cash on delivery and will demand the magic plastic. but I'd be happy to learn otherwise.
[19:24] nekoluce:
[19:24] nekoluce: i put in on english
[19:25] nekoluce: theres a button where it changes the language xD
[19:25] nekoluce: btw i reallly want to take a shower
[19:27] jfw: thanks but I'm still not seeing the difference in english
[19:27] jfw: the difference that would warrant the distinction between those different type of replacement parts besides the quantity in the pack
[19:28] jfw: go ahead, we can continue later
[19:57] nekoluce: like this is the replacement you want mayeb you can send me a picture?
[20:03] nekoluce: or a link better
[20:03] nekoluce: you want it in pack
[20:48] jfw: aren't we already looking at the same link?
[20:49] nekoluce: yes
[20:50] jfw: and you see the other options which are "repuesto de filtro" in 2 or 4-pack?
[20:51] nekoluce: yes
[20:51] nekoluce: you want one of these ?
[20:51] jfw: they all look like the correct thing to me, but the text doesn't explain the difference. that's what I want you to ask them about.
[20:53] nekoluce: one is two and the other one is four
[20:53] nekoluce: but both dont have subscription
[20:54] jfw: I mean the difference between those 2/4packs and the "cartucho".
[20:55] nekoluce: To protect your skin, it is important to change your filter "cartridge" every 4 months , thus reducing the risk of coming into contact with water impurities with toxic chemicals.these is the same for both two and four
[20:56] nekoluce: regardless to the only one
[20:56] jfw: that doesn't explain what the part being "described" is!!
[20:57] nekoluce: *Product includes: 1 replacement cartridge. It will only work if you already have your Sanaté shower filter capsule.
[20:57] nekoluce: i wasnt finish
[20:57] nekoluce: and comes with a sucription
[20:57] nekoluce: subscriptiion
[20:58] nekoluce: with or without there is that option
[20:58] nekoluce: that is for the spare one
[20:59] jfw: ahh ok, it shows that only once you add it to the cart it seems.
[20:59] jfw: 24.99 every 3 months.
[21:00] nekoluce: yes
[21:01] nekoluce: but every carthirdge you have to replace it every four months
[21:01] jfw: what happened last time is the water flow rate decreased gradually
[21:02] nekoluce: like would you like to have one new every month when you can wait to replace it ?
[21:02] nekoluce: you think it was the preasssure and not the construction ?
[21:03] jfw: looks like I neglected to note how long that was exactly. I think I'd try a 6 month replacement schedule.
[21:04] jfw: so the 2-pack is good for the year, but maybe we save more with the 4-pack if robinson is in.
[21:05] nekoluce: Our shower filters will not restrict the flow of your shower water.
[21:06] jfw: yeah it worked pretty well, just the flow reduced as the filter got full of whatever gunk.
[21:07] nekoluce: 15 levels of purification
[21:10] nekoluce: since its the first shop it will be 94.99 within delivery
[21:10] nekoluce: the four ones
[21:10] nekoluce: if its two
[21:11] nekoluce: 47.99
[21:11] jfw: what's the significance of being the first time?
[21:12] nekoluce: i can pay with the visa
[21:12] nekoluce: free delivery
[21:12] jfw: oh. well it's not the first time but I guess we'll see if they notice
[21:12] nekoluce: but shops ahead 75 also get free delivery
[21:13] jfw: orders above 75
[21:13] nekoluce: but i think is mine first shop because it would bemy account
[21:13] nekoluce: sorry yes orders above 75
[21:14] jfw: right. ok let's leave it for now with that progress made.
[21:14] nekoluce: just let me know what you think
[21:32] dorion: pretty the first order was in my name and I gave the owner cash at a coffee meeting. heh. I don't need a new one for now.
[21:33] jfw: ok, all good.
[21:43] jfw: nekoluce: I'll just go with the 2-pack, then, and will still be on the lookout for some similar filter for the bathroom sink if it's possible, maybe you could give that a look too?
Day changed to 2025-01-09
[00:11] jfw: - the answer comes in at six and a half. One to work the rusty websites and payment rails, one at the store to sort out the problem with the order due to said rusty website and/or payment rail, which store in fact didn't have the items in stock causing nearly a week's delay, one to drive the delivery truck, one to accompany him and stand around
[00:11] sourcerer: 2025-01-04 16:23:56 (#jwrd) jfw: we're on the verge of answering the age-old question: how many panamanians does it take to change a light bulb?
[00:11] jfw: clucking at the phone or whatever instead of knocking on the door, one on duty to receive such a knock had it been given, and one and a half because it needed three hands to hold the glass at height while working the washers and bolts on these awful light fixture designs. Fortunately I'm handy enough so I count for at least two there.
[00:12] jfw: but at least we've saved the environment by going green.
[01:07] dorion: the environment can go fuck itself, I'll never install LED lights. incandescent only.
[01:08] dorion: plus, I've always found'em at super99, no need for all those hoops you mentioned.
[01:48] dorion: -- yesterday's lulz continued with more today, here. I'll get around to doing a proper write up at some point, but, tldr, johan sebastian castellanos barrera is a delusional scammer. I don't agree with the laws he's breaking, but that doesn't change the fact he's breaking them and more likely than not cruising
[01:48] sourcerer: 2025-01-07 21:56:22 (#jwrd) dorion: -- this one cleans up much of the unicode, at least the punctuation. there's still some emojis in there.
[01:48] dorion: for a bruising on several levels. I tried to walk him off the edge and responded by blocking me from his telegram swamp.
[01:52] jfw: aw dorion, I was being all ironical like.
[01:54] jfw: I really don't mind the 3000K LEDs though, they look just the same as tungsten to my eye and they don't add the extra heat to the room.
[01:54] jfw: and they last longer.
[01:55] jfw: that super99 that has the bulbs is just as far out of my way, and also doesn't always have complete selections so who knows how many trips required, and that's if they even carry teh candelabra size at all.
[01:58] jfw: maybe it'd be simpler to have nekoluce pick them up in person, which was my original idea, but note that she actually ended up going to the store anyway and it still wasn't enough. that dark modern ages stuff, it gets you one way or the other.
[01:59] jfw: but for now I bask in abundant showers of light and am pleased.
[02:00] dorion: jfw, I know. LEDs superficially look the same, but they have subtle flickers that are detrimental. here's an entry point to the rabbit hole I've been going down :
[02:01] jfw: like what frequencies are you talking?
[02:01] jfw: flourescents do the 60Hz flicker which I can notice
[02:02] dorion: "Incandescent bulbs flicker at the frequency of the electrical supply (50–60 Hz), although the intensity of flicker is low (low flicker index), whereas fluorescent lighting extinguishes and returns to full brightness twice over each voltage cycle (100–120 Hz), leading to a pronounced flicker effect (high flicker index). Light emitting diode (LED) technology is also increasing in popularity
[02:02] dorion: particularly for street lighting and these lamps also have a high flicker index. Indeed the perceived brightness of many LED lamps is controlled by regulating the flicker frequency."
[02:02] dorion: damn unicode.
[02:04] jfw: for dimming yes, it's square-wave, but higher frequencies than your photoreceptors and/or nerves can detect. for these full-strength ones though I'm not sure why there'd even be that.
[02:07] jfw: I do notice it in LED auto taillights at night - as the eye jumps I can see the pulses of red in the momentary trail it leaves. but not when looking steady.
[02:12] jfw: with repeated saccades over this lamp here I can't spot any flicker.
[02:20] dorion: til the word saccades.
[02:21] jfw: I guess with a lux meter I could test it with the oscilloscope.
[02:30] dorion: would probably be a productive exercise.
[02:30] dorion: <-->
[02:30] sourcerer: 2025-01-07 21:57:19 (#jwrd) jfw: when did he ever "write good reviews of our product" btw? I recall like a sentence or two by email or something on request
[02:32] jfw: that was the one, thanks
[02:34] jfw: what was he up to under that 'say shannon' name? iirc it was in between the uber-me-too and the blockchain-of-identities
[02:46] jfw: noticing now that the pastes don't wrap nicely in 'links', wondering if it's because the server isn't giving a Content-Type.
[02:52] dorion: -- since the uber clone folded, it's just a landing page for the von flondor company.
[02:52] sourcerer: 2025-01-09 02:34:47 (#jwrd) jfw: what was he up to under that 'say shannon' name? iirc it was in between the uber-me-too and the blockchain-of-identities
[03:01] jfw: ok
[03:02] jfw: now I see apache *was* sending as text/plain, firefox merely lied to me about the 'raw request headers'. I dunno then, 'links' just sucks I guess.
[03:16] dorion: this is for reading the pastes ?
[03:16] jfw: yeah
[03:17] jfw: dorion: read the latest; curious now, what's he doing that you figure is riskiest vis-a-vis securities laws?
[03:19] jfw: his XRP and ETH examples don't seem relevant, conceivably the third one on 'tornado cash' though
[03:20] jfw: (I figure because ETH itself isn't a security although ICOs issued on it might be argued to be)
[03:20] dorion: "Guys, To all the americans who don't want to do any KYC, you are welcome to buy the token at Pinksale. The Seed B round is opened for the public."
[03:20] dorion: (which was in yesterday's paste)
[03:21] jfw: yeah that did sound like rather an "aim here"
[03:22] dorion: which was right after he posted a screencap of convos with azn pumpers and said "Promoters are already going nuts over Zelf Name Service."
[03:22] jfw: so their normal route to buy the token someplace where there is KYC?
[03:22] jfw: *their normal route would be to buy...
[03:23] dorion: tbh, I didn't really look into it enough to know. but the bias/sniff test raised serious flags. he says it's "foundation" yet all his comes frame it as investment.
[03:24] jfw: he comes off pretty underinformed, disingenuous and crass about MP and friends too.
[03:26] dorion: completely. because mp isn't xtian, and even laughs at them, therefore he's evil. basically.
[03:27] dorion: johan and sam lost money in the dao, yet they didn't know who did it until we pointed it out. and instead of being curious, they.. double down.
[03:28] dorion: it's also worth mentioning they didn't talk any shit, even in private, when he was alive. but now that he's dead, they were right all along !!
[03:29] jfw: I don't think mp sneers at xtians as such, though he does at the belief system and at individuals when their actions earned it
[03:29] jfw: eg was friends with danielpbarron for a while
[03:30] jfw: until the latter decided that the fantasy mattered more than the world
[03:36] dorion: well, he'd talk with all kinds of people, true. and even offered to fund a church iirc. I'm referring more to some of the articles, such as , ,
[03:37] jfw: it sounds to me like johan acts from a fundamentally egalitarian worldview. lordship hallucinated for everyone, therefore there can't be actual lords; and things can be "given to the masses" without destroying said things
[03:40] jfw: why doesn't he try giving bread to the masses, the hungry man cares about that way more than abstract security and privacy.
[03:41] jfw: o right it's been done, that's how we got mcdonalds and the obeasts.
[03:42] jfw: and they'll be a DAO with no CEO.
[03:43] dorion: yet I'm the socialist for pointing out he's breaking the socialists' laws. which I don't agree with, nevertheless, my opinion do ~ to affect the inherent risk he's taking on.
[03:43] dorion: does ~0
[03:45] jfw: anyway, if he uses polarized light then I want royalties, cause I invented that shit in 2012 - (with apologies for the legacy formats)
[03:45] dorion: lolz !!
[04:03] jfw: from a first quick look at how the ICO securities enforcement actually went, found (text for archival: )
[04:04] jfw: 24mn penalty out of 1bn raised, sounds pretty darn weak.
[04:05] jfw: at that rate, who *wouldn't* offer an unregistered security.
[04:10] jfw: possibly you overstated your case a bit with the "blatantly breaking securities laws in numerous jurisdictions" and it came off more as attack-mode, concern trolling than genuine curiosity about his stance on the matter.
[14:53] nekoluce: I found something interesting a flipphone based on a campaign on heineken what do you guys think :D ?
[14:54] nekoluce: good morning salut !
[14:54] nekoluce: nokia2660 flip phone hmd
[15:01] nekoluce: there's even an app
[17:13] jfw: good day nekoluce
[17:14] jfw: a phone based on a heineken the beer or what do you mean? and what's hmd?
[17:15] dorion: nekoluce, I had something like that a couple of years ago, but it didn't run android. I ended up losing it. I've been using the catepillar s22 for a while now, which does have andriod. the biggest pain point there is the key pad sucks pretty bad as well as their t9 word knock off. but the only internet thing I use it for is ordering cabs, so it doesn't bother me too much.
[17:16] dorion: the key pad oscillates seemingly randomly from over sensitive to under sensitive.
[17:17] jfw: the kind of phone that might appeal to me is the kind that couldn't even in principle run android, I suspect
[17:19] jfw: meanwhile here trying to confirm requirements for renewing cedula - it sounds like I just have to show up in ancon with the old card and $$, monday-friday 7am-3pm. but unclear if appointment required or what the holidays are and so on. tried calling 507-8000 but no answer so far.
[17:29] nekoluce: hello
[17:30] nekoluce: oh okay didnt knew it wasnt good yes today is free
[17:30] nekoluce: only banks are working
[17:30] nekoluce: at least their call centers
[17:44] dorion: jfw, fwiw, I lost my cedula in 2018, showed up with the underlying documents and $$ and I think I got the new one within a week. the one they issued me in 2018 has 10y shelf life, so was in practice an extension as far as I can tell.
[18:16] jfw: oh right, I can't call today to ask about holidays because today's a holiday.
[18:16] jfw: nekoluce: what wasn't good?
[18:17] jfw: dorion: oh so you had to go twice or they delivered or what?
[18:17] nekoluce: the phone it seems... acording to rob he doesnt recomends it
[18:18] jfw: no, he was talking about his caterpillar
[18:19] jfw: from the topic of flip phones
[18:19] nekoluce: oh okay .w.
[18:19] jfw: nekoluce: no holiday in the city on Monday as far as you know?
[18:20] nekoluce: monday is 13
[18:20] nekoluce: its okay
[18:21] nekoluce: no holiday
[18:21] jfw: cool
[18:22] nekoluce: today is martyrs day
[18:58] dorion: jfw, iirc they didn't print it the first day I went to report it missing. I think the took my picture that day though. I'm not 100% on it, but that's my vague recollection.
Day changed to 2025-01-10
[18:05] dorion: so while I'm not in a big rush to write a post-bridge burning wrt johan, it's worth noting the annoyance of being kicked out of a telegram channel removes all the history from your client can be overcome. While I have been using the browser client, to export the full chat history of a given channel you need the desktop client. their latest and greatest was saying I had to the latest glibc booster
[18:05] dorion: shot. so I downloaded a client from 2021 or so via their github and ignored the warning about needing to upgrade my OS to use telegram. registered a new account, searched the channel and was able to export the full channel history dating back to dec 16, 2017. it exported as 70 something html files. thus, I have that for future reference and can even grep it too.
[18:22] jfw: dorion: I think it has a JSON export too
[18:23] jfw: pretty malicious client behavior though
[18:24] jfw: I only ever got it running on windows
[18:25] jfw: the desktop client I mean. otherwise way back I used the android version and tg-cli but indeed I don't think that logs.
[19:33] dorion: jfw, i just checked and it does have json, kicked off that download.
Day changed to 2025-01-11
[06:22] jfw: dorion: I removed the fake-new HDDs for return, along with the SAS RAID card for now since it was no longer serving any purpose. The new EVO 860 1TB SSD is in, bitcoin homedir is migrated and node sync is proceeding from block 461567, doing a good 8 bpm.
[06:23] jfw: the case features proved a pain again, perhaps nekoluce can recount the details.
[06:28] jfw: which gives an ETA Feb 16.
[06:31] jfw: and ISP is yielding to phone pressure on the IP addresses - the guy needs to write his manager and get back to us but I heard +$30/month for a block of 16 addresses (13 usable)
[06:33] jfw: I raised the request from my prior 8 given what a hassle it was proving; but presumably we could still cut it in half.
[15:01] nekoluce: you are right jacob
[15:01] nekoluce: you remember well the details of the information and it will be 30 per month
[15:38] nekoluce: New Guide: How to Issue Tokens and Set Up a DAO in Panama
[15:38] nekoluce: Panama has emerged as a key jurisdiction for Web3 applications, particularly after SushiSwap's pioneering move to establish their DAO there.
[15:38] nekoluce: But what makes Panama attractive for token launches, and what should builders know before choosing this jurisdiction?
[15:38] nekoluce: Our comprehensive guide, co-authored with Teresa Carballo (Partner @ Pacífica Legal), explores:
[15:38] nekoluce: - Why Panama has become popular for Web3 applications
[15:38] nekoluce: - How the "Panamanian Triangle" setup works for protocol, economic, and interface layers
[15:38] nekoluce: - Key legal and tax considerations for founders
[15:39] nekoluce: - Practical roadmap for setting up in Panama
[15:39] nekoluce: - Alternative jurisdictions worth considering
[15:39] nekoluce: Panama offers unique advantages including regulatory flexibility and cost-effectiveness, but comes with important considerations that builders should carefully evaluate.
[15:39] nekoluce: Want to discuss if Panama could be right for your project? Contact us to explore your options with our team.
[15:39] nekoluce: Link to the full guide:
[15:39] nekoluce: ⚠️ Disclaimer: This post shouldn't be considered legal advice. We highly recommend obtaining qualified legal counsel in relevant jurisdictions before proceeding with any token launch or marketing activities.
[15:57] nekoluce: hello mechs .w. nice to meet you
[16:32] jfw: nekoluce: I wonder what it would mean for a decentralized organization existing on the internet and defined by computer code to be "established" in a physical location and governed by its jurisdiction
[16:56] nekoluce: i think it does physical i can ask teresa thou
[17:48] nekoluce: she is lawyer working the dao in terms
[17:48] nekoluce: the
[22:47] mechs: !request TV
[22:47] mechs: wrong chat lol
Day changed to 2025-01-12
[13:22] jfw: watching TV by IRC huh
Day changed to 2025-01-14
[06:20] lru: has anybody in these parts written a review of Roger Ver's book "Hijacking Bitcoin"?
[13:41] dorion: lru, I found a pirated copy, searched it for "Mircea" and "Popescu", nothing came up and I didn't go any further on the basis that if it skips over the most important actor in the whole saga, what's the point of entertaining some dork's delusion ? have you read it ?
[13:42] dorion: blog fodder could be a point, but I have such a backlog to chew through already... it's conceivable I could get to it this year, but would read your review in the meantime.
[21:39] lru: dorion: thanks for doing that much :-) I have not read it, but found it in some alternative news circles that sometimes give interesting factoids... when I tried to read *about* the book, I found mention of BCH and his complaint of a small transaction size... so I thought I'd double check if anyone else had read it first
[23:59] dorion: lru, from what I gathered, he told a bunch of people bitcoin transactions were free and instant, neither of which was really true. and instead of coming to terms w/ the fact he didn't understand the thing he was promoting with lots of emotion a acknowledge he was wrong, he forked. and when his fork lost, as people who did understand and had more skin in the game predicted, he claims victimhood.
Day changed to 2025-01-15
[05:36] lru: ouch!
[19:52] nekoluce: hello
Day changed to 2025-01-16
[03:26] jfw: wow google finally did it, cut the last remaining link to sanity: "Activa JavaScript para seguir haciendo búsquedas" "El navegador que usas tiene JavaScript desactivado. Para continuar con la búsqueda, actívalo."
[03:27] jfw: this is right off my customized search form which even specifies English.
[12:22] mechs: searx works without it but it is quite limited
[16:43] jfw: that moment when I go straight to google 'searx' and am reminded that it won't work...
[16:44] jfw: got a link or something, mechs?
[16:45] jfw: still works too
[16:53] jfw: so it's a self-hosted search engine aggregator - sounds like an unstable model when the underlying services are pursuing all these anti-bot and otherwise anti-human measures
[18:58] nekoluce: hello
[19:01] jfw: ohaithar
[19:01] jfw: that's internet japanese, I guess
[19:01] nekoluce: xD
[19:02] nekoluce: ill talk you just give me a moment please
Day changed to 2025-01-17
[00:57] nekoluce: We Are Excited to Announce The 1st NO Permissions Conference on Crypto, Wealth, and Wellbeing - The Ultimate Event to Kickoff 2025 in Style in Panama! 💡
[00:57] nekoluce: Step into a world of limitless possibilities at the No Permissions transformative conference. From mastering crypto investments to elevating your health and mindset, this event is your gateway to holistic success in 2025 and beyond!
[00:57] nekoluce: ✨ Exclusive panels with industry leaders
[00:57] nekoluce: ✨ Unparalleled networking opportunities
[00:57] nekoluce: ✨ Rejuvenating wellness experiences
[00:57] nekoluce: ✨ Meet and connect with people building and making web3 a reality.
[00:57] nekoluce: 🌍 Join Us in Panama City, From 29th to 30th January 2025.
[00:57] nekoluce: 🌟 Secure Your Ticket Now!!!
[00:58] nekoluce:
[00:58] nekoluce: good night
[01:10] dorion: thanks for sharing nekoluce, are you going to attend it ?
[02:20] jfw: they say "no permissions" but on one hand you need a permission-ticket to attend and on the other hand I need to grant some browser permissions to view their site? teehee
[02:20] jfw: I'll most likely be out of town those dates
[02:50] jfw: in the IP address lebensraum effort, latest is that after much repeated prompting, they're going to bump us from a 4-address block with one usable (/30) to an 8-address block with 5 usable (/29), for an extra $10/mo. I shot for a /28 (16 addresses) citing the need to be ready to act on opportunities vs. the evident difficulty of making changes
[02:50] sourcerer: 2025-01-07 22:47:22 (#jwrd) jfw: thus, even though they're supposedly in the business of making money by selling internet service, they generally also need a bureaucrat-friendly justification of "why" we want to buy their product and how much.
[02:50] jfw: on their end; it seemed OK at first and there was mention of a $30/month figure, but after internal deliberations they said they can't give it to us because we're not a "bank institution".
[02:55] jfw: my read is that we can only push it one tick at a time, so maybe try again in a while once we've got more use of the current resources.
[02:57] jfw: trying to see their perspective, one issue is IP reputation; if we were to start sending spam, then even if they cut us off, those IPs would still be on various blacklists and thus less valuable, requiring time and labor for de-listing
[02:58] jfw: I was reading that this is one of the frictions in the secondary market for IP space
[02:59] jfw: hence a need to build trust in us incrementally
[03:09] jfw: also it would be nicer to keep the current single address and *route* the new block through it, for one thing because we'll waste fewer addresses than they do for windows98 compatibility or w/e.
[03:10] jfw: but as I finally have a service order ready to sign, I don't quite feel like pushing the matter.
[03:16] jfw: then again, it has potential consequences for the level of disruption of the next expansion, hm.
[04:01] jfw: I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get to it, though. for now we can still take advantage of the new addresses inside the firewall using one-to-one NAT, or outside it by direct connection.
[12:30] mechs: has a bunch of instances, nowadays ive been recommended perplexity
[14:45] nekoluce: good morning xissburg
[19:02] jfw: ok, thanks for the tip mechs. pretty lulzy tho
[22:39] nekoluce: rob ossasepia is up for me
[22:41] nekoluce: Memoria e un fel de Oracol cu sfinx integrat la purtător. Atâta doar că Oracolul Memorie e un pic senil, iar sfinxul a întors dosul la poartă și păzește în schimb ieșirea. Pentru răspunsul corect trebuie întâi să găsești forma perfectă a întrebării, bunăvoința în interpretare e dubioasă, iar sfinxul mănâncă informația care nu-i convine. Sau cel puțin o ronțăie așa un pic pe la colțuri de n-o mai recunoaște nimeni dr
[22:41] nekoluce: ept ceea ce era de fapt. Motiv pentru care toată lumea recurge mereu la memoria proprie și toată lumea dă toate vinele pe ea: că nu reține ce trebuie, că nu reține când trebuie, că schimbă, că minte, că încețoșează sau colorează, că înfrumusețează, că alege doar ce nu trebuie, că e... defectă, ce mai. Memoria, acest inamic al omului înțelept. Ce de și-ar mai înțelege fiecare propriul trecut dacă nu s-ar mai ține memo
[22:41] nekoluce: ria de strâmbe.
[22:41] nekoluce: Și toată această defăimare a oracolului la purtător se bazează pe faptul că... nu avem oracolele sincronizate. Nici unul cu altul, și nici măcar cu timpul prezent. Că adică eu îmi aduc aminte că ai țipat la mine, iar memoria ta spune că-mi susurai cu muzica sferelor în surdină. Că eu țin minte că erai uriaș, și acum mă aplec ca să te văd mai bine. Că eu aș fi jurat că purtai roșu-n ziua aceea, iar haina ta a fost întot
[22:41] nekoluce: deauna verde. Și totuși, e memoria mea atât de imprecisă? A fost cu-adevărat în ochiul minții mele verde-atunci și apoi cândva în depozitul de amintiri s-a înroșit imaginea?
[22:41] nekoluce: Se poate. Și totuși, aș propune măcar o clipă o altă ipoteză. Poate că cerem în fapt de la memorie cu totul alta decât ea ne oferă biata, mereu precis, mereu constant. Precizia ei e însă cauza directă a impreciziei care ne macină. Pentru că nu e precizia unei realități obiective. Cum ar putea să fie? Brusc cerem de la memorie o obiectivitate pe care o credem greșit în simțuri în fiecare moment și o știm bine inaccesibilă a
[22:41] nekoluce: tâta de direct. De unde să înregistreze memoria realitatea mai obiectiv decât o experimentăm noi înșine?
[22:41] nekoluce: Reproșăm memoriei că nu înregistrează exact, dar ea în fapt înregistrează extrem de exact. Atâta doar că e exactitatea unei percepții subiective, nu exactitatea realității obiective. Nu e memoria care se schimbă în timp, ci noi înșine ne schimbăm atât de mult încât nu mai vedem cu chiar aceiași ochi prin care memoria a înregistrat odată o anume întâmplare. Atât de mult încât nici măcar nu mai credem că am văzut odat
[22:41] nekoluce: ă flori acolo unde erau doar pietre, sau am crezut ceartă ceea ce era doar durere. Atât de mult încât punem pe seama impreciziei memoriei propria noastră inconstanță.
[22:41] nekoluce: Este așadar memoria de încredere? Pentru istoricul căutând concretețea faptelor și obiectivitatea metodei științifice, cu siguranță nu. Pentru cel care vrea să înțeleagă nu ceea ce a fost, ci ceea ce au văzut oamenii, pentru noi înșine, poate ceva mai de încredere decât am crede. Oracolul nu minte niciodată. Dar noi interpretăm mereu răspunsul său.
Day changed to 2025-01-18
[03:35] mechs: guys can i run roblox in a thinkpad t400
[03:46] mechs: ok i give up
[04:39] jfw: nekoluce, what was that paste?
[04:41] jfw: mechs: I dunno, can thinkpad run roblox on you?
[04:53] jfw: in today's notes from flight booking hell: travelocity and orbitz are now expedia (complete with same stealth-captcha and spinner animation); kayak apparently doesn't know about American or United flights; expedia wastes time at every step of the process on both browser and server side, and randomly throws unspecific errors suggesting to retry which of course never works, and shares your "securely
[04:53] jfw: handled personal information" with some dozen marketing sites, and subscribes you to SMS spam even when you opted out
[04:55] jfw: I steered away from in-person booking this time e.g. at the American Airlines office or by phone as my memory is of wasting even more time that way.
[04:57] jfw: and they're still doing this "make it look cheaper by not allowing luggage" thing
[04:58] jfw: as well as "make it look cheaper by not showing how shitty the return flight is until you click through [and wait]"
[05:00] jfw: and in case I wanted to dodge all that, nobody simply publishes their schedules/timetables (though some API providers might sell access to the data)
[11:57] dorion: yeah, I know. it's up and can be read by anyone with a sane browser. for the log, the context is, there is some talk about "the importance of the test of humanity in the era of articifial intelligence" which is pushing the "worldcoin" scam. I replied to the guy who shared it's with Diana's
[11:57] sourcerer: 2025-01-17 22:39:21 (#jwrd) nekoluce: rob ossasepia is up for me
[11:57] dorion: [][Visibots, Ostrobots and a Bot Called Odoacer
[11:57] dorion: ]
[11:58] dorion: grr. Visibots, Ostrobots and a Bot Called Odoacer.
[11:59] dorion: to which the guy replied, "site is down".
[12:02] dorion: and I explained, " -- the website is up, your problem is you were socially engineered into installing a browser that mangles valid links from http to https. Manually change it back to http in the url box and reload the page."
[12:05] dorion: -- probably what came up on ossasepia when she navigated there, which is
[12:05] sourcerer: 2025-01-18 04:39:36 (#jwrd) jfw: nekoluce, what was that paste?
[14:55] nekoluce: its ossasepia i copy paste it jacob
[14:55] nekoluce: because rob said juan saw it as down but at my end it was right
Day changed to 2025-01-19
[17:11] jfw: - filthy. "hurr I changed my software to make it lie to me and now I parrot as if true"
[17:11] sourcerer: 2025-01-18 11:59:08 (#jwrd) dorion: to which the guy replied, "site is down".
[17:12] jfw: sounds like nekoluce thought you couldn't get the text and so sent it along.
[17:13] jfw: I explained about using pastes.
Day changed to 2025-01-20
[05:03] jfw: - now at block 535808, and still going strong but I notice the fabulous SATA SSD tech is spewing this dogvomit nonstop as it goes
[05:03] sourcerer: 2025-01-11 06:22:36 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: I removed the fake-new HDDs for return, along with the SAS RAID card for now since it was no longer serving any purpose. The new EVO 860 1TB SSD is in, bitcoin homedir is migrated and node sync is proceeding from block 461567, doing a good 8 bpm.
[15:26] nekoluce: jacob mr jeason wants to received the signature from chad in order to proceed with the order
[15:27] nekoluce: and also rob flor de bach you can found it .w.
[15:27] nekoluce: panama
[15:28] nekoluce: it can be research on their instagram account looking if they got phone
[15:28] nekoluce: they got a cuanto store where you can buy what you need
[15:30] jfw: hello
[15:31] jfw: I saw jeason's email, yes; I forgot to get Chad the paperwork on Friday so I emailed him yesterday to see if he could take care of it, if you'll recall. I'll wait a bit longer for his reply before getting back to Jeason.
[15:31] jfw: funny how now they've switched to reminding us!
[15:32] jfw: "rob flor de bach you can found it" - I can't decode this sentence, can you try rephrasing?
[15:34] jfw: oh right this is the channel so ^ was for dorion.
[15:37] nekoluce: there is a place called flor de bach panama where they sell it
[15:37] nekoluce: was trying to help
[15:38] jfw: right. I hear he's occupied this morning and should be on later.
[19:50] jfw: - previously we've encountered 'device error' and 'link error' from Linux's libata for Samsung SSDs in production on apu1 machines, but not this 'bus error'; I've rebooted the box with libata.force=noncq which seemed to help mitigate in the former case, will see what happens here.
[19:50] sourcerer: 2025-01-20 05:03:09 (#jwrd) jfw: - now at block 535808, and still going strong but I notice the fabulous SATA SSD tech is spewing this dogvomit nonstop as it goes
[19:52] jfw: on the apu1 machines it also required forcing a lower link speed (neither that nor disabling NCQ alone was enough), but hoping that's not needed here as it's supposed to be a 6Gbps link and the machine is otherwise powerful enough that the link might become the bottleneck.
[19:55] jfw: I guess it reflects either flaky hardware (from any number of possible components) or Linux kernel bugs; I'm inclined to guess the latter, at least its error reporting isn't particularly helpful to narrow down the cause.
Day changed to 2025-01-22
[17:44] jfw: - the new bitcoin node (still syncing) has now moved to where it can hopefully stay for a good while.
[17:44] sourcerer: 2024-10-18 03:55:13 (#jwrd) jfw: for who wants to "addnode" it.
[17:46] jfw: more of our services will be gradually migrating over there too, with their own respective announcements. we also now have 4 more addresses available for hosting clients who might need one dedicated.
[17:48] jfw: that was the most we could get for any price for now.
[17:48] sourcerer: 2025-01-17 02:55:09 (#jwrd) jfw: my read is that we can only push it one tick at a time, so maybe try again in a while once we've got more use of the current resources.
[17:50] jfw: while on the hardware side, globally zapping SATA NCQ appears to have fully resolved the ATA bus errors with ensuing hard link resets for the SSD.
[17:50] sourcerer: 2025-01-20 19:50:20 (#jwrd) jfw: - previously we've encountered 'device error' and 'link error' from Linux's libata for Samsung SSDs in production on apu1 machines, but not this 'bus error'; I've rebooted the box with libata.force=noncq which seemed to help mitigate in the former case, will see what happens here.
[17:56] jfw: is updated for the new IP.
Day changed to 2025-01-24
[04:59] jfw: the seeming need for NAT in order to use our *public* addresses inside the firewall was bugging me, so I found there is at least a theoretical alternative: proxy ARP
[04:59] sourcerer: 2025-01-17 04:01:01 (#jwrd) jfw: I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get to it, though. for now we can still take advantage of the new addresses inside the firewall using one-to-one NAT, or outside it by direct connection.
[05:02] jfw: instead of the router itself holding all the addresses (as aliases on the public interface), it's told to answer ARP requests for those addresses as if it had them, but when it receives a packet for such an address, it can forward normally by having that subnet on the private interface.
[05:05] jfw: much as if the ISP were in fact routing the block through our gateway, but from their standpoint it looks like local delivery.
[05:06] jfw: so then the physical and/or virtual machines on the inside needing dedicated IPs can hold those directly, possibly simplifying their configuration.
[05:07] jfw: where it gets hairy again though at least in my mind is how it interacts with private addresses and NAT for those things that don't need a dedicated public address.
[05:09] jfw: but that might clear up with some experimenting.
Day changed to 2025-01-27
[17:45] jfw: checking in from the start of my cold-climate-therapy session in the Maine winter.
[20:32] nekoluce: hello mr mechs ?
[21:28] dorion: -- mazel tov.
[21:28] sourcerer: 2025-01-22 17:44:01 (#jwrd) jfw: - the new bitcoin node (still syncing) has now moved to where it can hopefully stay for a good while.
[21:29] dorion: -- good to hear wrt IPs
[21:29] sourcerer: 2025-01-22 17:46:50 (#jwrd) jfw: more of our services will be gradually migrating over there too, with their own respective announcements. we also now have 4 more addresses available for hosting clients who might need one dedicated.
[21:29] dorion: -- ok, good to know.
[21:29] sourcerer: 2025-01-22 17:50:33 (#jwrd) jfw: while on the hardware side, globally zapping SATA NCQ appears to have fully resolved the ATA bus errors with ensuing hard link resets for the SSD.
[21:31] jfw: hey dorion. you think walmart and/or best buy are worth a try for toilet-laptop shopping?
[21:31] dorion: -- sounds like you're onto something, but yeah, could use some testing.
[21:31] sourcerer: 2025-01-24 05:09:58 (#jwrd) jfw: but that might clear up with some experimenting.
[21:33] dorion: jfw, hm, dunno. I think it'd be worth checking out and reporting on at least.
[21:33] jfw: yeah. I'll probably hit walmart & staples first as they're closer.
[21:35] dorion: -- how does it feel ?
[21:35] sourcerer: 2025-01-27 17:45:50 (#jwrd) jfw: checking in from the start of my cold-climate-therapy session in the Maine winter.
[21:35] dorion: have you made a fire yet ?
[21:36] jfw: feels good - crisp & refreshing. a bit sniffly but otherwise fine. 17F the first night, not even below freezing the second
[21:36] jfw: no wood burning yet
[21:39] jfw: I got 'randomly' selected for further poking on two occasions on the flight - first TSA at the gate at Tocumen, then customs. the first guy seemed pretty what with all my bins of stuff and ancient-tech laptops but I had to leave them sadly disappointed.
[21:42] jfw: the new Terminal 2 at Tocumen is really quite basic. Terminal A at EWR is brand new and quite nice, with many dining options, comfy seating and lots of power outlets -- except that 9/10 of said outlets aren't working!
[21:43] jfw: even looking at the usb power plugs, it's like someone went through and systematically smashed all the contact pins.
[21:44] jfw: pty didn't have any outlets at all at the gates that I could see.
[21:46] dorion: -- maybe they'll be greated again.
[21:46] sourcerer: 2025-01-27 21:42:35 (#jwrd) jfw: the new Terminal 2 at Tocumen is really quite basic. Terminal A at EWR is brand new and quite nice, with many dining options, comfy seating and lots of power outlets -- except that 9/10 of said outlets aren't working!
[21:47] dorion: zoom has managed to tangle itself into a mess on my permissive system. the application itself seems to have updated on its own, i didn't update anything, but the app is probably some js thing. needless to say, all kinds of functionality disappeared.
[21:49] dorion: for example, can't schedule a meeting from the app, nor see scheduled meetings either. it fails. silently or hangs.
[21:52] dorion: I did manage to schedule a meeting via the website and joined that meeting from the app. however their website fails to load on 2 of my older browsers because its protected by recaptch, which doesn't work. both of these browsers are on the host (firefox & chromium). I managed to log in via a browser on my android emulator. that being said, the work flow is a mess and non likely to be sustainable.
[22:04] dorion: bbl
Day changed to 2025-01-28
[00:47] jfw: - not sure what happened to my sentence there, I meant "seemed pretty excited".
[00:47] sourcerer: 2025-01-27 21:39:43 (#jwrd) jfw: I got 'randomly' selected for further poking on two occasions on the flight - first TSA at the gate at Tocumen, then customs. the first guy seemed pretty what with all my bins of stuff and ancient-tech laptops but I had to leave them sadly disappointed.
[01:06] jfw: dorion: sucks re zoom and sounds like the logical continuation of where they were headed - no room for options or stability, everyone must follow them through the shifting sands on a path of maximum stupid, and now with their very own bot-powered TSA for good measure.
[01:06] jfw: how important are the video & screen sharing for your usage?
[01:22] jfw: - Staples possibly had the somewhat larger if not particularly better selection, nothing stood out to me as compelling.
[01:22] sourcerer: 2025-01-27 21:33:24 (#jwrd) jfw: yeah. I'll probably hit walmart & staples first as they're closer.
[01:25] jfw: it was mostly HP, Asus and Lenovo; seeing them all side-by-side emphasized just how indistinguishable they all are
[01:29] jfw: in a PC laptop in 2025, you will get two USB-Cs, two USB-3s, an HDMI, probably an audio jack, maybe a card reader (mostly micro-SD though iirc a cheaper model still had full-size). definitely no ethernet port. it will be trying to look like a Macbook but be made of plastic. might have a touchscreen.
[01:31] jfw: there was one lower-end AMD option in the walmart display.
[01:38] jfw: a usb-c to gigabit ethernet dongle ran $32.
[01:41] jfw: and for one price point: Lenovo Ideapad Slim 5i 16", 16G RAM, 512G SSD, Intel Core 7-150U and Intel graphics, $600
[01:42] jfw: same but with Intel Core 5-120U, $500
[01:53] jfw: - these are in the mail on time so we should get back the purchase price at least, if not the satisfaction.
[01:53] sourcerer: 2025-01-06 00:53:15 (#jwrd) jfw: dorion: did you perchance save the shipping box from the HDDs? I might actually be able to return them on my Maine trip. the bezos bezzle doesn't give any other options.
Day changed to 2025-01-29
[19:01] sstacks: nice to see you around mechs
[19:21] jfw: and you sstacks, what's new this year? hope you got the "christmas card"
[19:52] sstacks: thanks you jfw.. did received it my friend
[19:52] sstacks: It was quite a sad end of year for me tho. Dad passed away.
Day changed to 2025-01-30
[15:05] dorion: sstacks, sad to read indeed.

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