

#jwrd Logs for Jul 2024

Filed under: #jwrd logs, Logs — Jacob Welsh @ 11:30
Day changed to 2024-07-01
[11:30] sstacksyrc: oh great, so that will do for me
[16:54] jfw: sstacksyrc: who was that to?
Day changed to 2024-07-04
[20:58] jfw: Barbarian: not sure how visible it is so wanted to mention the other cool project I'm involved in, Eulora 2. makes for a start
[21:01] jfw: there's a central game server with its inner secrets, but in general it's very open for players to contribute
[21:04] jfw: one attraction is the opportunity to learn or apply statistics & data analysis, toward making sense of the information you gather of the game world through your interactions with it
[21:08] jfw: there's an open, encrypted protocol for the communications, which is general enough to allow things to build up in complex ways; the workings of things can change server-side and it's up to the client (and player) to figure it out and adapt
[21:09] jfw: or work with others to do so faster
[21:14] jfw: it follows the "nothing out of thin air" spirit of bitcoin, and in the last version the game currency was pegged to btc. this time it's more likely to be a matter of who steps up to provide 'banking' or coin-interfacing services, i.e. could end up more distributed than central banking
Day changed to 2024-07-05
[07:55] lru: jfw: is it possible to play Eulora now? that comment on the blog about the server made me assume it was in a maintenance limbo state
[16:45] jfw: lru: no limbo state anymore, eulora 1 is dead & gone, eulora 2 remains. as for "play", it's still in development & testing, though it's open to participation e.g. by discussing it on the blog.
Day changed to 2024-07-08
[15:59] jfw:
Day changed to 2024-07-09
[02:34] lru: jfw: wish you all the best on your toothy health plan... all I can say is that I went along with the recommendation when I was young, and got 8 teeth removed, if I recall, all at once, before braces and college... I've never really missed them, even though I have gaps in my mouth from where they could have left at least 2 where they were
[02:36] lru: in my case, my choice was a funding one... I had the option to get all my tooth problems fixed under the family dental plan, or have a nebulous bill ahead sometime in the future... I decided to get while the getting was good :-)
[02:38] lru: interestingly, even after all that, removal, braces, retainer... my bite is not perfect, and when paying attention, can tell. No pain, but clicks and sounds and imperfect remain.
[02:40] lru: they said I'd have to get bridges or something put in, to fill in the gaps that they left behind, and if I didn't my teeth would move and tilt horizonally to fill the gap... that has not come true, even after about 30 years, for reasons I don't know why, but the gaps are still there and my teeth still vertical
[02:41] lru: I'm thankful for that
[03:54] jfw: - ha, because why get one black eye, when you can get two on somebody else's bill... and then they literally had a bridge to sell you, to fix the problem it sounds like they created
[03:54] sourcerer: 2024-07-09 02:36:18 (#jwrd) lru: in my case, my choice was a funding one... I had the option to get all my tooth problems fixed under the family dental plan, or have a nebulous bill ahead sometime in the future... I decided to get while the getting was good :-)
[03:57] jfw: good that you came out alright then; that "tilting horizontally to fill the gap" sounds rather nuts
Day changed to 2024-07-10
[00:58] jfw: ahoy jwmul_, are you there? how's it going?
[21:26] dorion: jwm, you should totally register for you blog-to-be's domain.
Day changed to 2024-07-15
[15:54] dorion: !help
[15:55] dorion: !w help
[15:55] wotbot: Available commands: hi, help, register, up, down, key, rate, unrate, rated
[15:55] dorion: !w rated
[15:55] wotbot: dorion: usage error: give the rating target name.
Day changed to 2024-07-18
[18:08] sstacksyrc: oh great, so that will do for m /'>: e
[18:09] dorion: kitty ?
Day changed to 2024-07-19
[20:21] whaack: <-- this has happened again. i'm stunned , trying to reproduce the bug
[20:21] sourcerer: 2024-05-14 18:37:17 (#jwrd) whaack: looks like somehow i managed to erase one of my wallets, it's as if i ran rm * in the wallet and then did gbw-save
[20:22] whaack: everything is backed up but this is quite concerning until i figure out why it is happening
[20:31] whaack: i think i must have done rm -rf /tmp/xyz ; gbw-close, not realizing gbw-close saves (thinking it was like gbw-discard)
[21:02] whaack: also the fee file seems to give the fee for the tx, not the fee/kB
Day changed to 2024-07-20
[14:09] dorion: whaack, what causes you to do these rm -rf operations ? personally it has never crossed my mind to do so while handling a wallet.
Day changed to 2024-07-21
[17:44] jfw: whaack, regarding the fee it's because I followed the original satoshi formula and didn't yet break/bring it into alignment with
[17:45] jfw: so it is per kB, but the kB is rounded up, which is quite the difference for small sizes.
[17:46] jfw: seems high time to change that and I can also put in some check for entirely-deleted in the gbw-save function
[17:49] jfw: perhaps gbw-close should be removed altogether? or could have it take the place of discard with the usual annoying unsaved-changes check, based on comparing timestamps perhaps
Day changed to 2024-07-23
[04:36] jfw: whaack: give this patch and sig a try
[04:37] jfw: install as usual according to the README i.e. with the versioned /package path and such.
[04:40] jfw: should address the fee precision, resulting usually in lower fees paid, but perhaps best for now to check before broadcasting using that gbw-node decode tool; and the saving-entirely-deleted-wallet if that's indeed what's happening
[04:41] jfw: actually the decode won't help, will it, due to lacking the inputs, hm. I might take care of that shortly
Day changed to 2024-07-31
[17:59] sstacks: I see family growing
[18:42] dorion: hey sstacks, welcome back.
[19:32] sstacks: Thanks my friend
[19:33] sstacks: Was speaking to dorion this morning about some concerns im having about all the now public interest on Bitcoin from the US
[19:34] sstacks: Wanted to know what are your thoughts on this. Makes me feel very suspicious.
[19:35] sstacks: Plus, getting shaky hands as i know my btc holding can be traceable since the use of CEXs on most of my years of journey.
[20:08] jfw: well, for starters USG interest in BTC goes back long while, for instance
[20:10] dorion: jfw, ah, I was just giving that one a re-read.
[20:10] dorion: sstacks, even before, there were reports of hash power being funded with taxpayer money.
[20:12] jfw: or the silk road coins they confiscated and "auctioned"
[20:12] dorion: from my point of view, they've been interested and using subterfuge to take shots to wreck it for well over a decade. there was also :
[20:13] dorion: jfw, correct me if I'm wrong, but you wrote "auctioned" in quotes because it was by no means a public process, i.e. unable to verify independently.
[20:16] dorion: the pessimistic side of me acknowledges all the success they've had in marketing their softfork social engineering. nevertheless, I still think we can offer something that outcompetes power ranger bitcoin and explain it to people in a way that diffuses those ticking time bombs.
[20:16] jfw: couldn't readily find a link but that's about what I meant, yes; and sold to their friends/subjects anyway iirc
[20:17] dorion: sstacks, what risks do you see in your coins being traceable ? also, is the exchange you bought them from still operating ?
[20:19] jfw: and you're not a us citizen or resident anyway, right? the fear is just "someone with guns might guess that I hold xyz coins"?
[20:25] dorion: afaiu, the snitching on financial accounts only goes one way, US demands info from all countries, e.g. Panama, but Panama doesn't get anything in return apart from maintaing access to swift.
[20:28] dorion: sstack, these articles discuss bitcoin taint : &
[20:31] sstacks: Ill check out those articles. I indeed know there has always been an interest on bitcoin from US. What im referring to now is that they are doing so "publicly". I mean, this Trump pro bitcoin thing, does he really "needs" bitcoiners support for elections? Plus Jamie diamond and larry fink pivot on the public now.. cant be coincidenc. I guess im just curious on how they plan to mess this up..
[20:32] dorion: sstacks, on a more practical standpoint, even if you've stopped dealing with centralized exchanges, you're still likely going to want to buy and sell cash from time to time (buying and selling BTC is a meaningless concept, afterall.) one very big painpoint in the local otc market is how shitty
[20:32] dorion: the communication mediums people use.
[20:32] sstacks: I dont have nothing to do with US indeed. Except that i live in a country that is owned by them
[20:32] dorion: at least you have the balls to admit it.
[20:33] dorion: sstacks, I think the public part is desperation more than anything. they're bankrupt financially and culturally, everyone knows it.
[20:35] dorion: ftr, I expect trump to lose it again with the way things are going. primarily because he's making the same exact mistakes. i.e. he has "never trumpers" in positions such as campaign manager. he's on the defensive and not surrounding himself with loyal people, he's turning them away, in fact.
[20:39] dorion: sstacks, re the painpoint, the WoT is a key piece of infrastructure you could help us with. first by using it and second by helping us promote and grow it. on the one hand, the RSA keys allow parties to encrypt comms, such as trade negotiations. on the other hand, having an identity system helps us disincentivize scamming.
[20:41] jfw: there was on the dim prospects of the english speaking world having any future in bitcoin influence; not sure about a more recent update but if they're just now looking to buy in, they've missed the boat by a wide margin
[20:41] sstacks: "dorion> sstacks, what risks do you see in your coins being traceable ? also, is the exchange you bought them from still operating ?" -- Yes, still operating. Just for the sake of privacy as time passes im less willing to be traceable
[20:42] dorion: US based ?
[20:42] sstacks: yes
[20:42] sstacks: well, no
[20:42] sstacks: They do have a branch in the US
[20:43] dorion: in any case, they're probably using cloudflare, so have put USG as a man in the middle between them and their clients. heh.
[20:44] jfw: one of the many ways the outlying lesser states are owned.
[20:44] dorion: sstacks, well, take some time these coming days/months to review the lessons on using your TRNG, gpg and the WoT with the goal of getting a key registered. also, don't forget backups !!!
[20:45] sstacks: dorion> sstacks, re the painpoint, the WoT is a key piece of infrastructure you could help us with. first by using it and second by helping us promote and grow it. on the one hand, the RSA keys allow parties to encrypt comms, such as trade negotiations. on the other hand, having an identity system helps us disincentivize scamming. ----- Yes. My conscience has been accusing me of not keeping my mind fresh in the course I took with you. I stopped practicing.
[20:45] sstacks: And what is not reviewed is forgotten. I cannot deny that there is a technical barrier that is not easy for me to overcome. I can know that it is not impossible. And now my growing concern is to overcome my disenchantment with the technical difficulty.
[20:48] dorion: sstacks, did you always have big muscles ? or did it take a long time and long of pain in the gym to grow what you have now ?
[20:49] sstacks: Im wondering if this "public" interest has something to do with the bitcoin segwit softfork.. like in some level.
[20:50] sstacks: <dorion> sstacks, did you always have big muscles ? or did it take a long time and long of pain in the gym to grow what you have now ? ---- certainly ive put a lot of effort during my life to try to have some "shape"
[20:51] sstacks: perhaps more than necessary
[20:51] dorion: this is just pain of a different kind.
[20:51] jfw: I guess there's the El Salvador example of a state pushing btc adoption; that was all mobile wallets using lightning aka segwit, from what I heard
[20:52] dorion: -- hahaha
[20:52] sourcerer: 2024-07-31 20:51:16 (#jwrd) sstacks: perhaps more than necessary
[20:52] sstacks: <dorion> this is just pain of a different kind. --- ill grab the course data again and muscule up
[20:52] sstacks: muscle*
[20:53] dorion: sstacks, the upside is if/when you do persist to acquire the skills, you'll be a great example for others to follow. "guy didn't have much of a clue about computers and struggled with english, look at him now."
[20:53] dorion: sstacks, are you on hexchat or yrc ?
[20:54] jfw: I'm just coming back from a 3 weeks gym-vacation and so far it feels like I lost more time than that. for me at least, brain stuff doesn't seem so rapidly lost, like I can return to software I didn't touch in 10 years and soon enough find my way around again
[20:54] sstacks: Regarding the JWRD program promotion. I have no doubt that the most effective element to that would be being able to explain what are the risks we are facing to our privacy and the risks on poisoning bitcoin functionalities
[20:55] dorion: I ask because using the log link could be cumbersome on yrc on gales... but if you're on your hexchat, try using the logs to reply to specific lines.
[20:55] sstacks: But this might only concern to people owning considerable amount of btc
[20:56] sstacks: <dorion> sstacks, the upside is if/when you do persist to acquire the skills, you'll be a great example for others to follow. "guy didn't have much of a clue about computers and struggled with english, look at him now." --- sound like a good strategy
[20:57] sstacks: im in hex
[20:58] dorion: -- from our view, it was yet another attempt to attack Bitcoin. which is why we still followed and answered the call (even if at the last minute) to work with MP following :
[20:58] sourcerer: 2024-07-31 20:49:53 (#jwrd) sstacks: Im wondering if this "public" interest has something to do with the bitcoin segwit softfork.. like in some level.
[21:00] sstacks: Ill start reading these articles
[21:01] jfw: I guess the link could be something like, the deep state begins to worry if their softforks will hold, so seeks to boost ammunition for a fork war, which surface state markets as embracing/adopting
[21:02] dorion: sstacks, cool, thanks for stopping by and feel free to use the channel as questions come up in your quest !
[21:02] dorion: jfw, in line with the general strategy of "embrace, extend, extinguish"
[21:03] jfw: quite
[21:05] jfw: the good news would be that they're far too late - except that the would-be opposition failed to manifest into anything coherent & functional. that is, they suck but might still float because everyone else sucks more
[21:07] jfw: in any case - passivity doth not prosper, no matter where one stands.
[21:45] dorion: word.
[21:50] sstacks: -- catchy
[21:50] sourcerer: 2024-07-31 21:01:50 (#jwrd) jfw: I guess the link could be something like, the deep state begins to worry if their softforks will hold, so seeks to boost ammunition for a fork war, which surface state markets as embracing/adopting

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