# /etc/tmux.conf # J. Welsh, 2022 # Clearing the termcap for smcup & rmcup is a hack that allows scrolled text to go to the proximate terminal's scrollback buffer as normal (e.g. for access by mouse wheel or Shift-PgUp). Naturally this won't sync with window switching or work with split panes; still for a quick recall it can be less clunky than switching to copy mode. I think clearing sitm & ritm disables italic mode. set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:smcup@:rmcup@:sitm@:ritm@' # Minimize escape sequence detection timeout (default of 500ms is horrible for usage of plain Escape key e.g. in Vim). set -g escape-time 10 # Use 'vi' style commands in copy mode, otherwise it may default to 'emacs' depending on your $EDITOR environment variable. set-window-option -g mode-keys vi # Change prefix to a single key not conflicting with the ubiquitous 'back' command. set -g prefix F5 # One-key (unprefixed) shortcuts for the most common commands. (Starting at F5 is because I use F1-F4 for X11 window manager commands.) bind-key -n F6 resize-pane -Z # zoom (toggle fullscreen) bind-key -n F7 last-pane bind-key -n F8 last-window # Make it possible to send literal F-keys to the application, by typing them after the prefix key. (Nesting sometimes happens...) bind-key F5 send-keys F5 bind-key F6 send-keys F6 bind-key F7 send-keys F7 bind-key F8 send-keys F8 # Remove C-b from the prefix keymap, otherwise F5 C-b surprisingly sends F5. unbind-key C-b