Projects : yrc : yrc_word_level_commands


Dir - Raw

1632836 yrc_subdir_genesis jfw Initial V release of yrc, version 97K (regrind of yrc_genesis to follow the project subdir and manifest naming conventions and indent with tabs rather than spaces)
2633652 yrc_linear_scroll_etc jfw Version 96K with smooth/linear scrolling, Python 2.6 compat, yrc2local log formatter, bugfixes and more: see NEWS for details.
3768770 yrc_minor_refactors_reorders jfw Move prompt_clear to a higher layer by making it use the prompt_chars accessor: it now deletes entries from a fixed character list container rather than replacing the list as a whole. Expand prompt_backspace not to stack on top of prompt_delete, coming out only slightly longer. Tighten some prompt commands (such as backspace/delete) to skip unnecessary redraw. In codemap.txt, reclassify commands dict as a quasiconstant since it doesn't change after startup.
4768773 yrc_minor_command_reorder jfw Move prompt_backspace and prompt_delete implementations to match the more sensible order in keymap and manual.
5768773 yrc_input_history jfw Implement input history, by use of a new data structure for rings (cyclic lists).
6768775 yrc_kill_yank jfw Implement the basic kill and yank commands. Also: rename prompt-backward command to prompt-back, to avert confusion with the anticipated prompt-back-word; update manual for the new commands plus clarifications & updated priorities.
7768776 yrc_prompt_redraw_optimization jfw Optimize and clarify prompt drawing code; remove unneeded prompt_set_hscroll for consistency (this turned out to be needed after all; see an upcoming patch for fix and explanation).
8768777 yrc_minor_command_reorder_2 jfw Reverse presentation order of back/forward prompt commands for consistency; also comment on possibly confusing differences between ctrl/meta functions.
9768777 yrc_word_level_commands jfw Implement word-level motions and kills. A new global flag is needed for state tracking to coalesce multiple sequential kills into one. kill_start and kill_end are rebased on a common kill_range routine which also supports the new word-level variants.