(lambda () (define (repeat obj count) (if (<= count 0) '() (cons obj (repeat obj (- count 1))))) (define (fold f init l) (do ((l l (cdr l)) (acc init (f acc (car l)))) ((null? l) acc))) (define (assert err-msg proc . args) (if (not (apply proc args)) (error err-msg args))) (define fxwidth-1 (- *fixnum-width* 1)) ;; A fixed width integer (fz) is represented as a list of fixnum words, least significant first, wrapped in an outer list to track the width in bits. As the desired width might not be a multiple of the system's fixnum width, the low end of the low word is zero padded. (This choice allows the carry output from the high word to work naturally.) ;; ;; Invariant: ;; (= (+ bits (padding bits)) (* (word-count bits) *fixnum-width*)) (define (word-count bits) (quotient (+ bits fxwidth-1) *fixnum-width*)) (define (padding bits) (- fxwidth-1 (modulo (- bits 1) *fixnum-width*))) ;; Construct a fixed width integer (FZ) (define (make-fz bit-width words) (assert "make-fz: bad word count for width" = (length words) (word-count bit-width)) (list bit-width words)) ;; FZ accessors (define fz-width car) (define fz-words cadr) (define (fz-unpack a consumer) (apply consumer a)) ;; "Press": construct FZ from reverse-accumulated words, zeroing the pad bits (define (press-fz bit-width rev-words) (let* ((p (padding bit-width)) (head (fxshift/unsigned (fxshift (car rev-words) p) (- p)))) (make-fz bit-width (reverse (cons head (cdr rev-words)))))) (define (fz0 width) (make-fz width (repeat 0 (word-count width)))) (define (word->ufz width w) (make-fz width (cons w (repeat 0 (- (word-count width) 1))))) (define (ufz+/pair a b) (let ((width (fz-width a))) (assert "ufz+: unequal width" = width (fz-width b)) (let loop ((a (fz-words a)) (b (fz-words b)) (carry 0) (acc '())) (if (null? a) (press-fz width acc) (call-with-values (lambda () (fx+/carry-unsigned (car a) (car b) carry)) (lambda (sum carry) (loop (cdr a) (cdr b) carry (cons sum acc)))))))) ;; !! UNTESTED !! ;(define (ufz-/pair a b) ; (let ((width (fz-width a))) ; (assert "ufz-: unequal width" = width (fz-width b)) ; (let loop ((a (fz-words a)) (b (fz-words b)) (carry 0) (acc '())) ; (if (null? a) (press-fz width acc) ; (call-with-values ; (lambda () (fx-/carry-unsigned (car a) (car b) carry)) ; (lambda (diff carry) ; (loop (cdr a) (cdr b) carry (cons diff acc)))))))) (define (ufz+ a . args) (fold ufz+/pair a args)) ;; Positive (left) shift: signedness doesn't matter. ;; Assumes 0 < bits < width. ;; Constant time w.r.t. words only (NOT bits). (define (shift width words bits) (let ((whole-words (quotient bits *fixnum-width*)) (bits (remainder bits *fixnum-width*))) (let ((carry-shift (- bits *fixnum-width*))) (do ((words words (cdr words)) (carry 0 (fxshift/unsigned (car words) carry-shift)) (acc (repeat 0 whole-words) (cons (fxior (fxshift (car words) bits) carry) acc)) (todo (- (word-count width) whole-words) (- todo 1))) ((zero? todo) (press-fz width acc)))))) ;; Negative (right) shift without sign extension. ;; Assumes 0 < bits < width. ;; Constant time w.r.t. words only (NOT bits). (define (unshift-unsigned width words bits) (let ((whole-words (quotient bits *fixnum-width*)) (bits (- (remainder bits *fixnum-width*)))) (let ((carry-shift (+ bits *fixnum-width*))) (do ((words (reverse (list-tail words whole-words)) (cdr words)) (carry 0 (fxshift (car words) carry-shift)) (acc (repeat 0 whole-words) (cons (fxior (fxshift/unsigned (car words) bits) carry) acc))) ((null? words) (make-fz width acc)))))) ;; Front-end for unsigned shifts. ;; Constant time w.r.t. FZ value only (NOT bits). (define (ufzshift a bits) (fz-unpack a (lambda (width words) (cond ((zero? bits) a) ((>= (abs bits) width) (fz0 width)) ((positive? bits) (shift width words bits)) (else (unshift-unsigned width words (- bits))))))) ;; Bit rotation: signedness doesn't matter. ;; Rotates to the "left" i.e. more-significant, but can take negative bits. ;; Constant time w.r.t. FZ value only (NOT bits). (define (fzrot a bits) (fz-unpack a (lambda (width words) (let ((bits (modulo bits width))) (if (zero? bits) a (fzior (shift width words bits) (unshift-unsigned width words (- width bits)))))))) (define (fznot a) (fz-unpack a (lambda (width a) (press-fz width (reverse (map fxnot a)))))) ;; Build new FZ by mapping func across corresponding words of each input. ;; Assumes func preserves zero padding. (define (fzmap func a . tail) (let ((width (fz-width a))) (if (not (apply = width (map fz-width tail))) (error "fzmap: unequal widths")) (make-fz width (apply map func (fz-words a) (map fz-words tail))))) (define (fzand . args) (apply fzmap fxand args)) (define (fzior . args) (apply fzmap fxior args)) (define (fzxor . args) (apply fzmap fxxor args)) (define (fzif a b c) (fzmap fxif a b c)) (define (fzmaj a b c) (fzmap fxmaj a b c)) ;;; FZ to octet string I/O, big and little endian. ;;; Complicated due to non-aligned fixnum width, but linear time. ;; Construct (* 8 (string-length BUF)) bit wide FZ from the octets in BUF. (define (bytes->fz buf big-endian) (let* ((nbytes (string-length buf)) (get-char (if big-endian (lambda (k) (string-ref buf (- nbytes 1 k))) (lambda (k) (string-ref buf k))))) (let loop ((bit-pos 0) (k 0) (word 0) (words '())) (if (= k nbytes) (make-fz (fxshift nbytes 3) (reverse (cons word words))) (let ((byte (char->integer (get-char k)))) (let ((bit-pos (+ bit-pos 8)) (k (+ k 1)) (word (fxior word (fxshift byte bit-pos)))) (if (<= bit-pos *fixnum-width*) ;; whole byte fits in current word (loop bit-pos k word words) ;; else spill to next word (let ((carry-bits (- bit-pos *fixnum-width*))) (loop carry-bits k (fxshift/unsigned byte (- carry-bits 8)) (cons word words)))))))))) (define (lsb->char word) (integer->char (fxand word 255))) ;; Construct octet string from a multiple-of-8 bit wide FZ. (define (fz->bytes a big-endian) (fz-unpack a (lambda (width words) (if (not (zero? (fxand width 7))) (error "fz->bytes: width not divisible by 8:" width)) (let* ((nbytes (fxshift width -3)) (buf (make-string nbytes)) (set-byte! (if big-endian (lambda (k b) (string-set! buf (- nbytes 1 k) (lsb->char b))) (lambda (k b) (string-set! buf k (lsb->char b)))))) (let loop ((bit-pos 0) (k 0) (word (car words)) (words (cdr words))) (if (= k nbytes) buf (let ((byte (fxshift/unsigned word (- bit-pos))) (bit-pos (+ bit-pos 8))) (if (<= bit-pos *fixnum-width*) ;; whole byte contained in current word (begin (set-byte! k byte) (loop bit-pos (+ k 1) word words)) ;; else fill in from next word (let ((word (car words)) (peek (- bit-pos *fixnum-width*))) (set-byte! k (fxior byte (fxshift word (- 8 peek)))) (loop peek (+ k 1) word (cdr words))))))))))) ;;; Constant time word comparison predicates, returning 0 or 1 (define (uwordinteger #\0) 1)) (define num-hi (+ (char->integer #\9) 1)) (define num-0 (char->integer #\0)) (define uc-lo (- (char->integer #\A) 1)) (define uc-hi (+ (char->integer #\F) 1)) (define lc-lo (- (char->integer #\a) 1)) (define lc-hi (+ (char->integer #\f) 1)) (define uc-a-10 (- (char->integer #\A) 10)) (define lc-a-10 (- (char->integer #\a) 10)) (define (hexdigit->integer d) (let ((i (char->integer d))) (let ((num (fxand (uwordhexdigit i) (integer->char (fx+/wrap i (word-mux (uwordbytes h) (let* ((len (quotient (+ (string-length h) 1) 2)) (bytes (make-string len))) (define (loop i j) (if (= i len) bytes (let ((hi (string-ref h j)) (lo (string-ref h (+ j 1)))) (string-set! bytes i (integer->char (fxior (fxshift (hexdigit->integer hi) 4) (hexdigit->integer lo)))) (loop (+ i 1) (+ j 2))))) (if (even? (string-length h)) (loop 0 0) (begin (string-set! bytes 0 (integer->char (hexdigit->integer (string-ref h 0)))) (loop 1 1))))) (define (bytes->hex b) (let* ((len (string-length b)) (h (make-string (* 2 len)))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (j 0 (+ j 2))) ((= i len) h) (let ((byte (char->integer (string-ref b i)))) (string-set! h j (integer->hexdigit (fxshift/unsigned byte -4))) (string-set! h (+ j 1) (integer->hexdigit (fxand byte 15))))))) ;; Shortcuts, favoring big-endianism as the conventional digit order in writing and in the intrabyte order of hex encoding. (define (fz->hex a) (bytes->hex (fz->bytes a #t))) (define (hex->fz a) (bytes->fz (hex->bytes a) #t)) (export fz0 word->ufz ufz+ ufzshift fzrot fznot fzand fzior fzxor fzif fzmaj bytes->fz fz->bytes hexdigit->integer hex->bytes bytes->hex fz->hex hex->fz))